Hiring All Villains! - Chapter 2

< Chapter 1

“Yes, Yes. Alright, I understand. You too.” Mr. Almondo then hung up the phone. He looked around his personal office, watching the drapes hang over the singular large window that he had. The room was dark, but it was still lit due to the moonlight from outside the window. Once hanging up his sleeve, the time was set to 8:47 PM, meaning that the day was close to being over. He picked back up his telephone to dial Wanda. “Wanda? Just as a reminder, we have another busy day ahead. They’ll be arriving soon!”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Almondo. You know that I never forget an important meeting.”

“I know, I know. We’re about to change the world, and I’m very punctual when it comes to planning. Take care.” The man then sighed in relief and hunched back into his comfortable chair.

When Mr. Almondo entered the office floor, all employees were in a panic. He glanced over his watch to see that the time was 8:04 AM, the employees weren’t even meant to start their work yet. He turned around to see Wanda and Frederick running over to him. Papers and pens were flying everywhere, chaos was present between each cubicle.

“Mr. Almondo, we’re in a real pickle here!”

“What is it Fred, spit it out!”

“The President has just been attacked! It’s all over the news, how have you not heard?”

“What?! How could this have happened? The president is one of the most protected men in the world!”

“Tell that to Lincoln. On his way back to D.C. this morning, a group of criminals with superpowers attacked his limo and tried kidnapping him. What’s worse is that he wasn’t the only one targeted this morning, loads of politicians were. In fact, two governors have already been kidnapped. This was clearly a coordinated attack by some sort of criminal organization!”

“Our worst possibility has become a reality. To think that such a large-scale attack would happen only further proves the existence of our department. Wanda, I want you to cancel the rest of my appointments today and bring up the first group of volunteers two hours earlier to me in the meeting room. I will need to contact some people. How is the president doing?”

“Luckily, the secret service reacted quickly and they neutralized the threats. The President only sustained very minor injuries. Unfortunately, I don’t think this will be the last time that we manage to see such ordeals.”

“Good, it would be better for that fat goose to not take over the President’s position, even temporarily. Coolidge is so soft I wouldn’t be surprised if this whole country went to ruin.”

“Mr. Almondo, isn’t that a bit rude as the head of a government department?”

“Fred, nobody asked for such an input. Do so again and I’ll lower your wage. Plus, people make comments on politicians all the time. This circumstance is no different.”

“Sorry, Mr. Almondo. I won’t do it again.”

“Okay. Fred, Wanda, you both know what to do. Let’s get to work!” Almondo then took a light jog towards his office. He opened his file cabinets to pull out a folder that was labeled with big, red letters, ‘TOP SECRET.’ He sat back down at his desk and spread out the information of the first group of volunteers. There would be a total of 17 subjects that he would be meeting today.

Hours later, Wanda knocked exactly 3 times on his office door. “Mr. Almondo, the volunteers are here to see you.”

“Great.” Mr. Almondo was tired out from his work, even though the day wasn’t even over yet. Wanda and Almondo walked over to the meeting room to see the new guests all already seated waiting for him. Frederick was also in the room to help assist with the meeting. He walked over to his seat and stood in front of it.

“Good afternoon, everyone. You will all address me as Mr. Almondo, and Mr. Almondo only. I am the head of the secret Department of Villainous Propaganda, or DVP for short. These are my two assistants, Wanda and Frederick. They are very vital to me so you will address them with full respect. Let’s cut the introductions and get to the point. I’m sure you all know the purpose of our organization and why you’re here, so let’s get to how we will accomplish our mission. Before I begin, do any of you have any questions?”

A young man with spiky white hair raised his hand. “Yeah, how much will we get paid? I’m owing some money to some very needy people and I need it quick.”

“Your external affairs barely concern me. Just because you make bad financial decisions does not mean you start begging like a rat. However, I do understand such behavior. After all, as someone at the bottom of the food chain, it only makes sense for you to do so. But, do not worry at all young man. When we’re done with you, you won’t have to pay a cent.”

“Ha! I like your thinking, Mr. Almondo.”

“I’m glad we can reach an understanding. Now, let’s begin this new project of ours. Something that you’ll learn quickly about me is that I highly value my time.”

Chapter 3 >


so umm. This idiot is making a villain group while there is a villain group out there for heros to focus on.