Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

Except they are not???

bro magic isnt devil fruits :sob:

I just like to think that

So your whole arguments are backed up by your headcanons?

Tho one question: why are mages not using their magic to escape when they are in jail ? Is there something inside their handcuffs that makes them unable to use magic?

Was not an argument, but it could make sense since mage are the closest thing to curse users because of the shitton of magic inside their body

theres a slight difference between manipulating magic energy externally and being completely made out of magic energy

the peacekeeper is unaffected by this despite the fact that they’re filled to the brim with magic particles

Saïd it could, however just wonder how the fire curse user would be when it rains

Assuming you are talking about the pk after getting the abosrption curse, its an experimental curse.

Nothing would happen because the rain isnt nearly as polluted as the sea

during the events of AA, not when they gets the absorption curse

Make sense, but I was more taking about mage metamancers

Absorption is an external curse (if i remember)

brother that’s not how it works-

Erf, ima not explain I suck at explaining

yeah, handcuffs used by the grand navy are made of a special alloy that blocks out magic use

you can see them better in the eternal mines story part, if you look at your legs you will see a weird white particle effect coming off the cuffs

ik i said this before but i wanna say it again

A scene like this would be badass

MC and crew meet up with queen outside the sun palace after coming back from skyhall

discuss shit related to information they got

Empress Nilah: Is that…rain? We have had rain in Sameria in 3 years!

ground shakes
3 keraxe mfers appear in the sky over caitara

Keraxe Curse user: I didn’t think getting here would be so easy. Finally my dreams have become reality
Keraxe Curse user summons tsunami that wipes out most of the capital
Morden powers up curse
Empress Nilah powers up curse
Morden: I’ll take on the one on the left. Your majesty, Kelia, take on the others
Princess Kelia: On it
Princess Kelia: Iris! <player’s first name>, run!
thunder claps in the sky
total downpour
all three curse users clash against Keraxe’s trio

Quest: Reach the city gates: Time Limit: 0:15
Keraxe Water Curse User: Do you think you’d get away that easy?
knocks out Iris
Keraxe Water Curse User: This one…seems special… show me what you got


Keraxe Water Curse: ENOUGH! I’VE HAD IT
knocks out MC

Cutscene for second awakening ensues

I’m not a story writer but I’ve thought about the Keraxe invasion a lot and this is just my two cents on how it would play out.

Ye i get this shit is cringy and corny af and i myself was cringing extremely hard while writing this but i mean I tried to mimic vetex’s writing style so :person_shrugging:

Alr I’ma go die from cringe and regret writing this

Yeah it is a little cringe, but I see the vision here only thing I’d really change is that instead of some Keraxe guy its Julian(still alive if you didn’t know) cause I just think it’d be cool for the first curse user to fight us is also the first one we beat(also for get-back purposes). Though the scenario for that would obviously have to be different from what you said.

Also the water curse is called the tide curse :nerd_face: :point_up_2:

extremely cringe bro :sob:

erm ok

its the keraxe invasion arc?