Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

That also would be cool. I was just saying something I would do and then getting overly defensive at being told it was impossible

Yeah… I suggested that in the Dark Sea Lore Thread, where he returns as a ghost to continue helping us even after he died, it was a random idea when thinking that ghosts might be people who refused to move on. So my idea wasnt like what I suggested, but it could still work…

Yeah, its really sad… it could apply to anyone who dies in the final fight actually

well its the same universe as arcane adventure and we already know durza exists, whose entire gimmick is pretty much dead revival beside the absorption curse

Now I’m starting to wonder if the third sea’s going to also focus on the war, or if the whole thing will happen in the nimbus sea.

Also makes me a little suspicious if Wotan will be fought in nimbus, but I’m thinking that’s super unlikely due to just how strong he is. I remember hearing that we would stand no chance against keraxe’s curse users.

Now that its been established about Nimbus Sea being the part that really introduces us to the “War” aspect of the “War Seas”, now I was suddenly reminded of a theory/prediction I had about MC’s backstory (which is now confirmed that they do have a solid backstory in mind)

One of my theories was that MC actually used to be a soldier who once participated in wars. This was just an idea I got because of how theyre able to fare very well in fights despite having no memory, which could stem from muscle memory, which may suggest that whatever MC used to do, it involved fighting. There’s also the fact that they have strong mental fortitude and was seemingly able to hold it together while being held in an experimentation facility for months.

The fact that Vetex suggested that AO MC also has a strong sense of justice and sense of duty could further add into this.

Makes me wonder if war will be the very thing that kickstarts MC’s memory retrieval. Maybe one fight will suddenly put them in full “autopilot” where they suddenly fight ruthlessly from an experience they dont even remember, subconsciously reliving it. Mind can forget, but some things that are learned can’t.

War is no joke, especially for those who participated in it.


If this were to happen it could be done with a cutscene

Maybe, though idk how that can be done. MC and Neviro actually fought off the guards in their way to Calvus’ throne room, but that wasnt added in the cutscene and was only mentioned in the Quest Desc, so it seems like it couldnt be added. But who knows…

Yeah the issue is that every player has a different moveset so making a cutscene would have to be able to include all of them

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Wait so who is the other Bronze Sea Baron then?

Also forgive me for being curious but is Wotan a good father (lol)

Its probably whoever’s in charge of Fort Castrum, which explains why we have no clue or side quests that lead to them yet. Fort Castrum hasnt been added yet, and Vetex pushed it back because plans for it became more “complicated”.

Theres a theory that this Fort was actually where MC and Morden got experimented on by the Order, and theres nothing but open waters to the east of Dawn Island, where both Morden and MC came from. Its seemingly left empty on purpose. It couldnt have been anywhere else as all kingdoms and thus the other 5 Seas were confirmed to be south of the Bronze Sea.

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could just make it the same between magics and fighting styles since they have the same moveset between each others ( and maybe imbuement for conjurer/warlock/warlord )

weapon, tho, is gonna be a pain ( then again, iirc they can be classified into bladed, blunt and pierce, so maybe he will only have to make 3 )

Shit u actually may be right
Never thought of this


Warren would kick our ass

If you’ve been cruising around the nerdy parts of the internet (ie. all of the internet) recently, you may have run into this Japanese word:


A Google search will bring a quick definition, but if you dig a little deeper you’ll find the tsundere meaning applies to a broad spectrum of personalities and behavior. On top of that, it has spawned a whole subset of words like yandere, dandere, kuudere, and more. It’s gotten so popular there are even products and events celebrating the tsundere idea (there are even tsundere sharks, wtf?). Suddenly understanding this word doesn’t seem so simple.

“What!? You don’t know what tsundere means? Are you stupid? Why don’t you look it up yourself?

“Well….since you came all the way to Tofugu…I could teach you…(blush)”

  • tsun tsun つんつん/ツンツン
  • dere dere でれでれ/デレデレ

Both words describe different attitudes. Tsun tsun refers to someone who acts cold, blunt, or curt. The onomatopoeia itself is actually the sound of someone sticking their nose up in the air, or turning away in disgust.

On the other hand, dere dere describes someone who is affectionate or lovey-dovey. You may have seen dere dere people in a relationship. They’re cuddly and use pet names with each other.

So “tsundere” describes someone who is “tsun-tsun” at first, but eventually warms up and becomes “dere dere.” Don’t mistake this for some kind of split personality disorder. It’s usually a gradual change, or a change triggered by a specific person or event. Actually, it’s is applied broadly to any character who is sometimes icy and sometimes warm. In English you might call it “running hot or cold.”

This broad application makes it tough to nail down the definition of tsundere. To make things a little easier, let’s break it down into four character description categories:

  1. A character who wants to be dere dere toward their secret love, but for some reason can’t reveal their feelings. So they act tsun tsun in front of them.
  2. A character who acts tsun tsun to everyone but becomes dere dere around a specific person (usually a person they love).
  3. A character who acts tsun tsun at first, but gradually opens up.
  4. A character who is blunt and harsh, but sometimes becomes generous or kind.

Beyond this, the terms has been applied to all sorts of characters with varying degrees of tsun tsun and dere dere attitudes. Some even use tsundere to describe dere dere characters who sometimes act harshly. This seems like a stretch to me, almost opposite. But it goes to show how popular the term has become and how easily people apply it to their favorite characters.


We honestly don’t know if Wotan is a good father yet, but I think he should’ve been an abusive father that forced his children to get stronger. Then he couldn’t battle anymore and became more of a seasoned mentor. Similar to how Askeladd is in Vinland Saga. I think getting inspiration from Vinland Saga would be interesting, since Vetex realistically had this entire game inspired from One Piece & Fairy Tale. (One Piece being the exploration of seas, pirates, and navy.) & (Fairy Tale for it’s magic, same exact type of magic usage.)

Give Wotan heavenly restriction if you’re able to fight him in the story. Having to fight someone with just pure hands yet be so strong because his magic was sealed off would be sick.

No curse, no weapons, no nothing. No gimmicks what so ever, besides fighting style. Hear me out on this but him using Impact Fist & Radius Fist at the same time would be crazy, especially if you just release that update. Fits perfectly as well since it’s a lost fighting style.

aka, (hire me free of charge for the story and I’ll sign an NDA :wink: )

nah by the time we’d face him we’d be stacked. Literally if you’re a conjurer you’ll have all your weapon skills + magic like aura.

All weapon skill + aura vs the full force of inferno

HEAR ME OUT, (Major Reach incoming)

The MC used to be apart of the Order Of Aesir as one of the lower rankings (maybe an officer?, being below a baron.).

Besides the point there could be a fact of how the character had followed the leader of the Aesir (being Warren) due to the fact that he has a strong sense of justice. It could be said that Warren at one time had saved the MC and they had felt a great sense of debt, so he had joined the order as well because of that.

Here is where the energy switches here, but stay with me for a bit.

The MC finally realizes that Warren and the Order of Aesir’s tests are evil and the sense of justice wasn’t the same for the MC and Warren. The MC frees some test subjects that haven’t been harmed yet, (some of these people can be found in the Bronze Sea maybe, (“Don’t you look familiar?” or “Don’t I know you from somewhere” NPC at one of the towns I forgot). The next thing the MC tries to do is take on Warren by himself, (dumb move.). Due to this Warren absolutely beats the living life out of out of the MC and throws him into experimentation with Morden. Morden doesn’t know that the MC worked in the order or freed experiments since he had just been shipped to the lab after that whole ordeal. After the beating from Warren and all the experiments, the MC had their memories lost in them, but not completely forgotten. (Time-skip here since we don’t know how the MC & Morden & Tucker escaped).

This goes on later of half of the Nimbus Sea, but our MC has his first of many dreams that will later occur in the story of his PTSD. You’d be in a dream walking down a hallway in a completely different outfit while passing by jail cells. Then you’d wake up. That’s all for the nimbus sea, but later in the story the dream would occur again but for longer with more details. Maybe if you were sleeping at a camp at another abandoned island, you would send an attack to wake yourself up.

Finally it kind of adds the cherry on top to everything here, but the MC trusts Warren and casually climbs up a whole giant mountain because he said Iris was there. As you said before it’s almost instinct and muscle memory.

I think also seeing a part of way later into the story of Warren planting evidence on you saying that you were a member of the Aesir and getting your allies to fight you. (Basically Warren building the MC up so he could knock him down, as an even more sadistic way of revenge.).

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