Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

that would be terrible, especially since fighting style and weapon users in this verse cannot possibly become as strong as curse users or mages

someone who is known as “the conqueror” and owns an entire kingdom would be really lame if they were just a lost fighting style user and be one of the weakest rulers


Could he be an hybrid + curse(s)?

i dont watch anime, the last time i took inspiration from one piece and fairy tail for these games was like 2016, most of the inspiration comes from things like a song of ice and fire writing style wise


this one message will make everyone switch to mage

im ngl i didnt google it cause i dont care and im not reading all this to learn what some anime trope means


So that explains why mage is the current meta

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Would we have any fights against curse users, given that strength users may not be able to damage them (for example a basic-boxing berserker build)

psure he already explained before that everyone has inherent magic energy and subconsciously imbues into what they use so they are able to attack curse users

Kinda sucks that vetex basically confirmed Wotan won’t be some super powerful non-magic user but whatever.

The explanation is that, people without an open mind, which allows to use magic, usse subconsciously very little magic, so non-magic can probably still hit a curse user, like maple said

Yaaay, time to farm Death’s imbued items!!!

If I am not confused, then I guess he is multi-curse user.

Since he is fucking strong, its would be reasonable to make him insane for example. This is should give players an advantage during fight. Like for example sometimes he get blinded by insanity and starts chaotically using aoe-based skills which would deal lower damage, so players could get a break.

Its not like to make him an easy boss, but to make him actually custom and funny to fight.

nah, but that’s the point of the whole thing. Basically all of his stats are sky rocketed due to that restriction. His Strength, Speed, and all other physical attributes are enhanced to 100x more. So he technically was born with magic, but he can’t wield it. So all that mana that builds up just goes into his strength and speed, etc. He isn’t just a plain old warrior, he’s a conqueror.

Also due to that he’d be technically on par speed wise with mages. What I’m trying to get at is his lack of magic abilities yet being so strong made him be feared as a conqueror. (Short story short is, if Toji can go blow for blow with Gojo, then why couldn’t Wotan can go blow for blow with mages.).

still tho, idc much. you producing peak so I have all faith in you, keep up the good work. :kiss_woman_man:

Are you kissing Vetex

Did he give consent



Calling it:

one of the sons of Wotan and maybe the Queen or other official of Sameria are barons, and the Nimbus Sea high lord is someone else. The war is a ploy to keep you, the strongest of all legacies, busy.

Prince Revon does what he says he’s gonna do and kills a member of the main cast starting with Neviro, who’s closest to him.

Prince Revon has to become a curse user. The new update will let him fight, but even still, with 400hp he isn’t catching up fast by natural means.

Avery Walker is going to kill either Warren or Morden. The game has established that he can easily beat other curse users, but not everyone has read the notes, and it’s better to show and not tell. And he is 100% still alive. Why would vetex just write about an immortal who’s dead? Seems like a waste

Iris dies somehow. Her arc is over.

Shura is very, very gifted and might get caught by the order. He can do infusions while he’s just figuring out his magic. Probably won’t happen: but imagine if the order captured him and we break him out, but to make good on that promise he made, we have one last duel while he’s dying

The six corsairs consist of a curse user mage, curse user berserker (curses like Lazarus or Shockwave don’t turn you into an element and would function more like a fighting style in combat), legendary weapon warrior, curse conjurer, warlord of some kind, and a curse warlock

The King Admiral isn’t going to be some Commodore Kai figure with no dialogue, he will be involved in the story and maybe even part of the order. Criminal players will fight him because funny, navy players and heroes will fight him because he’s not who he says he is and will have to clear themselves with the navy after killing him, unlike what they did to Ravenna

That fuckin privateer is gonna be a miniboss. Then if you have the ruthless trait you just kill him after the fight.

The people of Azura will congratulate ruthless players for killing the guy that terrorized them, as Elius hints he did something to them at some point

Not calling it but slim chance of it happening:

If he doesn’t die, Neviro is the second Baron of the Bronze Sea, who was hit with a fake out shot from Calvus, and is now free to sit on Akursius Keep with the Cloud Curse and entire nation of Ravenna as he can easily manipulate Revon

Wotan nor his sons are part of the order: it’s his disgruntled daughter who wanted to join in on the fame and is looking to take over the kingdom

Wotan’s interest in the dark sea has given either him or one of his sons an atlantean limb of some kind.

Cerunno is the scorch curse user.

The final boss of Edward Kenton’s questline is the King Admiral who he blames personally for screwing up the Navy.

The shockwave curse shows up at some point. It was going to be fightable in AA, given that there are gonna be people wanting to fight the Arcane Govt, but the game ended before he got the chance, in the same way that there was gonna be an acid samurai but the game ended a bit too early

What about Freedrock? If it IS indeed canon that he has the Lazarus Curse., he fights with exclusively with Radius Fist. He is just heavily buffed by the Lazarus Curse due to his revive after death twice as strong. This was in the lore document if I remember, but I might be super wrong.