How do I stop getting witch-hunted?

15 times

Deserved ngl. It was gonna happen at some point anyways because, surprise surprise, people don’t like when they/their friend is killed as a low level.

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u know, might as well take a break from my pvp retirement, just like when that navy guy snaked on my 1v1

bait was actually believable, anyways i hope hes joking

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Get gud, cuz u keel low level
jokes aside just don’t play when its the time that everyone’s online. ur profile’s prolly being stalked.
also turn roblox public joins off so ppl don’t know what yor playing, which turns into them thinking you’re playing ao when you’re actually not. then they might give up after… a few days? weeks? u killed lots of low levels man.

karma bruh

You very much deserve to be witchunted for that!
you deserve to be witchunted for killing low level’s cargo runs and stealing cargo. What do you expect. Im all with the witchunters for this. i dont think anyone wants to help a low level rker that steals cargo


:broken_heart: my ass complaining about the consequences

looking at the tags that are under the title, i’ma assume that this is a joke. but just in case it isn’t…

…my brother in christ, considering your rep here & how you’ve confessed to something that is undoubtebly frowned upon most of the forums, i must ask the question what is wrong with you?

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everything, I am also not even christain but ok

The point still stands. Unless if you’re actively trying to gain this sort of attention, then you my good sir have made a baffling lapse in judgment (or judgement, idc they’re both the same).

It’s as I said before on the last post, you need to spill more blood of the low levels, then I’m sure they’ll stop hunting you at of pure fear.

Are you Samuel Richard Jordanstein?

what do i even say

This post wasnt made for attention. :skull:

deserved, what did that noob do to you

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Normally I’m against that shit but if you expected ANYTHING else to happen then you’re actually an idiot.

I hope the mods do absolutely nothing about this because this is straight up what you asked for.

You made this problem, fix it.
If you want to stop getting witch hunted.
1: End your stupid quest to be the “most evil”.
2: Quit this game until everyone forgets about you.
3: Pray it works.

If you didn’t want to get witch hunted, you shouldn’t have started targeting low levels.
This is basic cause and effect, should have learned it in pre-school.

Just about anyone else could make this post and the community would side with them and want to end the hunters’ bullshit.
Not you.


cry wolf and get them banned

after all you are trying to be evil so
just get them to leave the game you don’t care about others