How do you hope Nimbus goes?

wouldn’t any of wotan’s sons spread our asscheeks

and tie us up against the wall while doing that

they are really god damn powerful

I hope to find heavy influences from each major faction here. The thing that bugged me about AO is that realistically speaking, we’ve seen these settings many times, just in different ways, and Vetex honestly stray too far, which isn’t that good. I hope we get some gnarly stuff to see, and some worldbuilding would be nice.

Which is why I mentioned 4th sea or something because no way we taking them on within the first 3 seas

All of them?

If that’s the case then keraxe has minimum 5 curses. (4 sons + Wotan himself)

Sky pirates))))
+Order is trying to hunt us down now, so we are probably will meet them on the road to the sky.
+I doubt Sameria Queen will meet us calmly, we are king slayers, she will avoid us as much as possible, so probably we will have some troubles reaching her castle.
Really, what will you think when dangerous killer will approach your home?

I can’t wait for some more below-the-floor attack spam fuckery :smiling_imp:

Would be even funnier if Wotan himself will be a Supercurse user.

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Oh god, imagine he’s just a Viking version of Cursebeard :fire::100::fire:

I hope so, or at least they should be mentioned


I thought the Trello said around 500? Or was there another source I didn’t see.

dang this still going, interesting theories though

I see they’ve changed it for some time.

Oh ok so he’s literally Odin :fire:


i personally believe they still exist, which can be proven by some shell island dialogue, i think they were cut due to y’know lag

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