How does Magic exactly work?

Yes, every being has magic, but the wielding of it comes from the gene (or at least I think)

it’s best to ask tech since none of us have the exact answer

Bravo. Might as well make that post the solution for this thread as well.

That solution also means that non-magic gene wielders don’t have magic energy inside of them. Maybe only the wielder of the magic gene’s soul can draw it in?

please stop, my brain started smoking. i think i understaind the part: draw magic, rais hand, shoot shoot

Never on Earth have I wanted to ping tech more

here is a fun one for the beggining of everything tho: some supreme being traveld back in time to make himself, then when he did that, he created the world : )

There’s a story in the lore where Durza fought the Earth Curse User. He drained the magic energy out of him, and that’s how he absorbed his curse. This curse user didn’t have the power to use magic though

I need answers so bad

I’m in agony every second I don’t know for sure how this works

Awaken, my masters! (pings Vetex and tech)

I’ll ask tech then, he’ll respond

Are we even allowed to ping him?

It seems the properties for magic in this world change every 3 seconds.

No, Discord

Oh. Can you show him my theory? (Tho it’s illogical at this point)

It’s possible maybe Durza absorbed people’s “minds”, and curses could be somewhat less visible minds


doesn’t make any sense, that’s like absorbing a part of their mind

According to what I made, minds are what stores the knowledge of the combinations of the motion of magic energy to turn it into the correct magic, so complicated someone without the mind could never figure it out

He could absorb the knowledge of it, not the physical mind, taking away the first person’s magic, technically

You can’t awaken a curse and there’s only 3 minds

You wouldn’t be able to, acquiring the curse through the object that gives it would give you the knowledge to use it

Or I have no idea, we have no idea how magic fully works atm

You don’t exactly absorb the curse, you become one with the curse. Someone with the magma curse doesn’t just have magma magic, they straight up become magma.

Oh, then it would be something physical.

my mind is smoking