How rare do you think lost magics should be?

to be fair i forgor to scroll down :skull:

Like…literally 1.6/100? 1.6 is a bit odd out of 100 lol

But with that then I think lost magics should be twice as rare, so what you said in a previous reply, 0.8/100

An ancients? 0.4…? Maybe?

I also think they should be able to be found from treasure charts and specifically diving chart chests, as that would make them more “fun” to grind for

(sea charts should have a less chance of getting them than sealed chests and treasure chart chests should have a higher chance than sealed, idk how much lower or higher tho)

16/1000, but I feel like that makes it seem like a different scale, so I stuck with /100.

Yeah out of 100 makes it seem way less rare lmao

I still can’t believe people were thinking these lost magics should be SUNKEN RARITY HELLO

I also feel like sunkene, in the far future, maybe near completion of the game, should be made way easier to obtain

Nahh. Sunkens can stay as the weird little rare treasure that’s better than other things.

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Saying that Lost stuff should have the same rarity as Sunkens is beyond wild, since there’s a high chance you’ll get a Lost item that doesn’t correlate to your build and a fairly high chance that you won’t get the one you want if you win the first roll. If Lost stuff were the same rarities as Sunken items, then what the hell would Ancient stuff be found at?

Maybe if you want to keep them rare, but not overly grindy, maybe a 1/400 chance of getting them from where they’re found?


I agree with these values
Pity should 100% exist too, maybe like every 1500 chests should give a guaranteed lost magic

You want to sift through sealed 1000 chests?

Would be great to see an alternative way of getting them. Not easier than just sea activities, but less luck-based.

For example: Lets assume that they will be a rare drop from sealeds (thats just an example), you are not guarranted to get them after openning multiple hundreds of sealeds.

But as an alternative way for people who dislikes doing exact same activity forever or have insanely bad luck: people could get them through alignment system (but only as late rewards, so that it does requires pretty much of time to reach it). “If Kingdoms can gift their warriors with curses, why wouldn’t they gift useful outsider with lost magic scroll?” For villains, they could probably steal one from kingdom during scroll’s transportation or smth like that.

(I hope you agree that even if these scroll’s drop rates will be affected by pity or luck pots, alternative way of getting them will bring a huge diversity in gameplay and make it a bit funnier)


i don’t even want to know what you consider a high number then, a 0.13% chance for 1 scroll, 0.0088% for a specific one is bonkers

Dawg that’s Rare Spells, those aren’t even Lost Spells (they’re just under the category of Lost Spells). So apply an additional rarity factor (Rare → Lost) and the fact it’s not a spell but a Magic (Spell → Magic is probably an additional rarity factor).

1/240 though sounds reasonable for Ancient Spells (maybe 1/360 at most).

no dawg :sob:
sunken can be replaced, albeit poorly
lost magics should not be locked behind a chance that most casual players will never get
besides if losts are this rare, imagine ancients

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what if ancient magic scrolls were actually obtained via complex questlines given by special NPCs or pre-programmed treasure chart scrolls since they’re supposedly so rare

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complex questlines sounds like it’d be fun, but how would you get duplicates?

it becomes random chance afterwards but you need to do the prerequisite questlines in order for the scrolls to become part of the item pool

similar to roamers in loomian legacy.

basically, you get to theoretically have 1 of every ancient for free, but afterwards you need to get really lucky.

That would be one variant lost magic scroll per quest or alignment island, which seems pretty closed off.

thinking about the different variants, including lost fighting styles and lost weapons, a rate like 1/800 seems a lot more reasonable compared to 1/2000

This is how many sealed chest I’ve opened on my main file, which has 643 hours (does that include WoM?)…Yes I know that’s a lot of hours but I’ve only opened that many? Yeah lost magics should only be thrice of rare spells, so I say 1/180, and double that for ancients

this is exactly what i was thinking

i agree sunkens should be less rare but something as big as changing ur entire magic should not be common

its definitely going to be rarer than an askew root thats for sure

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