Julian would straight up be screwed too. I know it’s said in game that curse users can’t be “hurt” by “non-magical means”, but that said, I get the feeling he couldn’t just walk off a flipping modern bomb exploding on him. Failing that, the military could always just plate their bullets in Arcanium metal they looted from the Bronze Legion. That without doubt would put an end to that egotistical blonde.
Now lets say one of the higher ranks picks up an assault rifle and uses their ability to make it do like comparatively 200 damage per shot with infinite ammo.
What would happen if calvus got his hands on a now aether imbued homing rocket launcher?
that’s assuming they can even make it TO the soldiers because if the soldiers just keep away then they’ll just destroy them, as not only that, but the more fodder they kill, the more they’ll probably level up, meaning they will do more damage and shred even quicker which will level them faster and well, you see where it’s going
and while sure they would be able to kill the soldiers with ease if they obtained their weapons, they could already do that. It’s the getting absolutely shredded part that’ll stop em.
I wouldn’t think the modern day humans of this scenario would be able to level up since they have absolute 0 magic in their bloodline (kinda important for the whole superhuman thing)
Willing to bet a headshot with a flipping rifle would do a lot more than 30 damage.
Let’s assume a level 1 individual in AO is comparable to your an average human irl. Therefor, 100 damage is the minimum needed to kill a human. We know most modern firearms can kill a human being in one hit—headshots, hits to the heart or nervous system, etc—therefor, modern day weapons are capable of doing at least 100 damage depending on the hit location. Heck, even swords and the like can inflict fatal wounds in one hit irl.
Also, I’m not completely sold on this idea that 1k HP equals 10x the durability of someone with 100 HP. Remember that Executioners in Palo Town will oneshot anyone, including players with more than 3000 HP. They’re doing this with spear M1s, which would do at most 100 damage in gameplay.
Yeah, you’re probably right on that—you can straight up survive attacks that destroy solid stone just fine in AO. I Kinda feel a bit stupid for assuming a flipping video game could be compared to real life.
nothing because it’ll just stun the part he gets hit for a little bit unless you hit him with enough, plus its gotta be magic polluted water (or radiation polluted if going by the logic that nuclear stuff can hurt curse users on account of being incredibly powerful) and if so then that shit unsafe af
I should point out that this wouldn’t actually do nearly as much as you’d think. Even if you dumped an entire bucket of seawater on a curse user, it wouldn’t just wipe them. The thing that kills them in the sea is the fact that there’s literal hundreds of gallons of water pressing onto them—all of it irradiated with magic salt.
Put simply: the super-soaker wouldn’t put enough water onto the curse user for long enough to kill them. It may have an effect, but it wouldn’t be enough.
if calvus can survive a hit from a max power explosion magic user, he can survive a nuclear bomb. basically any boss could just tank everything, as well as wipe everything out. my votes on the bronze legion, just off of shear power and durability.