How would the the most powerful modern military fare (fair?) against the Bronze Legion?

dawg a nuclear bomb is gonna be a shit ton more powerful than that

AG got hard-carried by magic-irradiated water fr

he also moves at the speed of light

thats his dodge reflex :sob: i dont think you could dodge reflex for 2 miles

fair. calvus would lose. but i think his grandpaps would solo. just based on what we’ve heard of him.

but, he is also dead

how would the military even get the nuclear bomb. its not like they have a transdimensional missle silo.

julian when the US military uses firefighting helicopters to dump seawater on him (he spontaneously combusts)

does he know?

how they gonna do that against a moving and flying target.

I don’t think Julian is keeping up with a modern jet, let alone several of them

the only way an AO army stands up against modern airforce is if their army includes the holder of the light or lightning curse or something similarly fast like aether or aether lightning.

In which case I think the airforce gets crushed because 1470 MPH has absolutely nothing on the speed of lightning, let alone the speed of light.

mages and and fighting style users would SHRED through them

Keep in mind that the soldiers can’t level up so they’ll be dealing puny damage

yes lol even a level 1 AO human is far more durable than anybody on earth and has loads of natural regeneration.

Then just don’t engage in cqc with them, we invented weaponry that can function at long ranges for a reason

I think we have to remember that 100 is not the average health of a normal human. Remember that 100 health AO Humans can survive flintlock shots from another 100 health player

yes I already made these points lol.

A super soaker wouldn’t do anything yes
An army of 2 million people armed with super soakers shooting at once however


While true, it’s likely the damage of firearms is assumed to be limb shots. After all, headshots and torsoshots deal no extra damage.

In which case, around 30-40 would be accurate for a real flintlock firearm landing a limb shot. That’s enough to maybe remove a hand, which muskets were capable of doing.

Super sonic jets have existed since the 50s Julian ain’t that fast