I Bought Deepwoken, So here's what's gonna happen

yes. I dont know what you want me to say, logging is pretty common. What i mean is the more experience you have, you will start to understand when to log and when to just walk past the person. As a new player you should be logging on every encounter cus its more difficult to recognize who is just minding their own business and who is actively sharking.

Quick Question: To make the large post easier to read, how do I embed medal clips? I don’t want people to have to get sent to the medal website every time they click on a video. I want to make sure its in a miniplayer so that they can watch it within the post.

Edit: Hold on I think I got it

Edit2: Knowledge acquired! Why didn’t I do this earlier?

Also decided to leak another clip

I gurrantee you 99% of the people complaining about getting rk’ed every day is blowing things way out of proportion.

no like seriously I can’t even remember the last time I got rk’ed before. Most strangers even engage in friendly 1v1s, and when they knock you, actually brings you to a campfire and let you heal. (Nomad camp moment)


hahaha, what the fuck is your experience, because I get ganked constantly

you have the best social RNG ever.
nobody else I’ve ever talked to has this experience.

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no it’s genuinely like this is in every server. Yesterday a guy gave me a Kyrscleave (the layer 2 bone greatsword) just from me talking and sparring with him lol. He showcased the legendary enchant too

Like, the people seriously aren’t that bad ok. You can easily tell who to trust and not to trust.

Like, if ur in the depths, and you see a freshie in the middle of nowhere, that man’s Sus as fuck.

If the guy has maxxed stuff, and says something like “Yo”, good chances are they’re probably chill.

The more silent a person is, the more dangerous and unpredictable they are.

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The. Best. Social. RNG. Ever.


is it really RNG though…:thinking:

bro what the fuck is your rng, people are assholes for literally everyone but you it seems


…this feels awfully biased…

I won’t spill how many nice players I’ve met yet, and you’re right, they do exist. But the fact that you’re even able to find those kind of players is just awesome. I hope that happens on the 5th and last day (tomorrow).

The most true part-

Silent players are freakin devious. They can’t be bargained with, they can’t be reasoned with, and they won’t stop until u are dead

Edit: One of the nice players i’ve met was silent tho

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probably because you’re on a maxed out build, 80% of RKers arent great at PVP and will try to find players that look weaker than them.

Lower levels get ganked more, and those lower levels quit the game before they reach max level.

Higher levels get ganked less, and good players have spent a larger percentage of their playtime at higher levels, so they think ganking is less common.

but yeah you’re right, ganking is nowhere near as common as it was closer to release because of the luck changes. People only grip other players for voidwalker, tacet or because they’re bored lol.

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Nah, I share this experience too. People now are super chill, and the RKs are like way less frequent. If anything, the only RKs that have happened to me are voidwalkers, everyone else is super friendly

Aren’t you doing the same thing too in a way? Maybe you’re the minority here. Plus, how much of Verse 2 have you played / explored? People are way too busy trying not to die to the Meat Orbs now to try and kill each other

I’ve been ganked much more in any other roblox game that even has Ganking than deepwoken rn


people aren’t getting ganked because most players are either progressing slots or doing layer 2.

only issue I have with dw is how it withholds vital info from the player, I been tryna get into the game a dozen times over the past year but my experience is always the same. Sudden urge to play, wander around aimlessly for 30 mins, quit cus I got no idea what I’m supposed to be doing. Feels like a game where you need external info to figure shit out :cat2:


also because there’s literally 0 incentive to gank

Bounty hunting isn’t ganking when it’s with even levelled players and there’s no incentive to hunt a level 5 player for like 2 gold rings when a level 20 player gives a chest full of like 30+ endgame weapons

Good point, there arent very many actual clues to lead you to things you need to do. They either have an NPC tell you outright or nothing at all.

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