I Bought Deepwoken, So here's what's gonna happen

small price to pay for funny eyes guy

Bro my guild leader was trying to get moth race and got ganymede on his first roll and my goofy ass is still trying to get it after like 5 slots and 12 rerolls :skull:

also i think its more like 85
well depends on how you scale it really



yea ganymedes look cool but a lot of the drip in the game doesnt look that good on them

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oh thats unfortunate, what about vesperian then?

have you tried splitting it into two posts

or better yet, one for each day, and then a sixth for the end review

vesps look sick and are really drippy

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Had an issue with medal embeds lmk if you can see them or not

i would sell my soul to get anything that isnt vesperian i thought it was cool at first but now half my slots are the stupid beetle race please give me anything else ill even take the cat at this point


Damn, what a great 5 day summary

Sure is awesome seeing people still get ganked when apparently this update removed the only incentive!!!1!11!

me, who got ganymede first try when buying a new slot:

i got that bird one which is just as rare as ganymede when i bought my second slot but i’m not too sad about it bc that free glider by race is pretty cool

What about the new oaths lmao

I’d sell my soul to get vesperian but I get literally every race besides vesp :skull:

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would probably happen to me too

Damn, ganking doesn’t exist anymore? I wonder why in the review there are multiple instances of ganking then.

which oaths require killing other players? I think the only one is linkstrider and that one heavily encourages you to sacrifice your own friends instead of killing random people