I Bought Deepwoken, So here's what's gonna happen

killing maxed players can give you some sick ass loot idk man

I’ll take being wrong about the negative stuff I say any day.
I want it to be enjoyable and change for the better.

I wish permadeath was removed but I doubt it ever will be and removing that one feature makes the game look infinitely more appealing and enjoyable to me.

@TheoreticalExistence pretty sure the game just isnt made for you. You misunderstood the devs intentions and expected Deepwoken to play like Hades or Risk of Rain (both these games are completely different than deep), and you’re now angry that the game wasnt exactly what you expected. It’s okay if you dont like the game, but the devs arent going to remove a key feature of their game (many systems in the game do, in fact, rely on permadeath) to appeal to someone who isnt the target audience.

dear god no that is not what I expected or wanted.

I am obliged to say: “Such as?”

Guys I didn’t mean to start another war in the replies, chill.

I’m not the biggest fan of deepwoken’s permadeath either and I have been wiped by high level players and chased by gank squads for no reason whatsoever (escaped them), but i’ve only been playing for two days, so I still have alot to learn.

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this doesn’t really feel like a war, I dunno about anyone else but I’m far from angry or even irritated.

U wish to remove a feature that makes each run feel fun and fresh for tens of thousands of players :boom:

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hey listen.
if the game is fun to progress and has tons of replay value then it doesn’t need to force players to restart to get them to restart.

Look at AO for instance, I’ve seen plenty of people here talking about wanting to progress multiple files for the different playstyles and choices.
Doesn’t that sound familiar at all?

that risk of losing everything makes the game more appealing to me and countless others :cat::+1:


yea but the problem in the case of AO is that it has absolutely no end game content yet

And people wipe max powers without a second thought right now.

An experienced player, with the latest update, can unironically get power 20/60(max) in a singular hour

I was gonna save this part for the 5-Day review post, but I guess i’ll spill it now since it’s relevant to what you just said.

A high level came up to me and told me to wipe them. In my head I just could not figure out why.

Why would you purposefully want a freshie to wipe you?

I guess it’s because he wanted a new build? Take on a different playstyle? That’s probably it.

But the amount of time it took to make the file they have now goes down the drain…I can’t wrap my head around it, but I’ll keep an open mind

the difference being AO doesnt have nearly the same level of build complexity as deepwoken. AO doesnt have hundreds of passive talents that are fully customizable and unique depending on what specific type of build you as an individual are going for. There isnt close to this level of creativity in AO

I do this a lot if I don’t want a build, and I don’t want the equipment on me to go to waste. Better to give it to someone that needs it

It’s more of a nice gesture since it benefits the person that they give themselves to.

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Ic, unfortunately a gun user came and took everything before I could react :sleeper:

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this is exactly what im talking about. To that person and to anyone who plays the game, the fun isnt in making that one max slot. The fun is in trying out new slots based on whatever masterpiece you can conjure up in your head due to the extreme creativity of builds in the game and how different each run is from each other. Just today i wiped all seven of my max level slots and not once did i think about the hundreds of hours wasted, i just looked forward to the new content I can experience in the new builds

Now that we truly don’t know in full.

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I mean, unless fundamental parts of AO itself is being changed, deepwoken will still have an significantly more complicated build mechanic.

Ooookay time to bust out my alt: deefuy - Roblox

Might just have to use this to try out new builds. I’m the kind of guy who likes keeping max slots. I see the appeal of restarting but at the same time, I don’t. I at least want something to show for my grinding. But I see that deepwoken isn’t that kind of game…

Yeah, not yet. AO still in dev. But whether or not one is more complex than the other, I will play both but probably enjoy AO more. But i’m glad I opened up to DW a little bit.

You can make new files for half the price, so you can use the same account (Only 100 robux rn)