I Bought Deepwoken, So here's what's gonna happen

You get echoes, which make your next build even stronger :smiley:

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I meant the act of erasing

it resets something to a fresh slate

no permadeath needed

Simply choosing to do something rather than being forced to doesn’t give the same feeling. It’s like jumping off a building in a game compared to being pushed off while looking at the view

Every time a topic about deepwoken is made some guy comes and starts a 100 MESSAGE ARGUEMENT OVER NOTHING TIRED OF THE HORSESHIT THAT IS THESE ARGUEMENTS!!


Deepwoken isn’t “lore-focused” at all, the game revolves around survival and pvp/pve from what I’ve seen, sure it has lore, but the game isn’t focused on that at all. It’s more of a small detail that not many players will even care to figure out in a game like that

This is just like people calling deepwoken “sea-based”. Sure, it has a sea, but its main purpose is to just get from one place to another with almost nothing else on it. That IMO doesn’t make it qualify as a sea-based game


I’ve heard that Deepwoken has gotten really good with this update, so hopefully you will have fun with doing this!

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Usually that guy is me :fr:

But I wasn’t trying to start a war this time, I only wanted to try something that I initially disliked and share my experience at the end, but now idk if i’ll do that bc that topic might devolve into a war as well…which sucks bc I have alot of wackyness to share (such as a video of a freshie trying to attack etris guards)

by “lore focused” im pretty sure he means that deepwoken has backstory and lore instead of a story that plays out alongside the lore like in ao, just reads as a poorly worded statement, you are right about deepwokens lore being a side feature though, 99% of people (including myself) dont care and usually skip over the dialog


Yeah the lore is kind of an afterthought in DW from what i’ve played so far. The game is more of a “Choose your own adventure” kinda thing and I have a very small idea of what the lore is atm.


why do you care so much lol.
if you don’t want to see people talking about the very controversial topic of deepwoken, just don’t click on posts about deepwoken.

i wouldnt say its an afterthought, just pushed to the side because having to play through a storyline every wipe would suck

lore-focused as in it doesnt have a main storyline but rather forces players to go out of their way to understand the story. Elden ring is a lore focused game but most players didn’t understand shit on their first run and had to watch a video online. This doesn’t mean elden ring has a bad story, but it doesn’t mean deepwoken has a good story either. The difference is that the lore in elden ring is crucial in the players actions and everything you do is tied back to the lore, whereas in deepwoken the lore is a side aspect of the game that only those who are interested will be paying attention to.

Since vet is here, I will say this again:

AO will get the same treatment. I plan on making a 5 day series for that as well. It’ll be fun :nod:

Sure deepwoken is controversial, but that doesn’t mean any mention of it is an invitation to start an argument. Sometimes people just wanna have a topic, say, about their first experiences playing the game or whatever, and I think it’s kinda rude and unnecessary to have these sorts of discussions in those topics


Some people try to bury honest opinions on the game with invective. Shame.

Really, those people already exist for AO’s community. I remember seeing Vetex reply to some people who said it was just sea of thieves on roblox.

I really don’t like it when people say deepwoken is “lore based”. There’s a difference between having to figure out the lore yourself and having devs tell you literally everything.

Like seriously, there’s no fucking lore in game that you can learn about apart from the fact that global warming is a thing.

more than half the lore that people know come from fucking discord messages by the devs. If you need to be told what the entire lore means by a dev, then it’s not a lore based game, it’s just a fighting game


who is this fellow named rosen

yeah, this is unfortunately true. The game tells you pretty much nothing, you barely even know what you are doing as a character other than you are a “pathfinder” whatever the hell that means. Crucial parts of the plot like who the fuck the lord regent is are all found in random discord messages by archmage who i swear to god is making all this stuff up on the spot lol. Hopefully, they integrate the lore into the world in future expansions since the game isn’t even close to being finished.

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the latest lore books in deepwoken verse 2 update: