I Bought Deepwoken, So here's what's gonna happen

gunsmith rosen is the guy who reinvented firearms after the loss of the old world technology and he also (probably) founded the summer company. This is one of the few pieces of lore you can find in the game cus literally everyone talks about him even that random drunk guy who gives you arena.

dude i spent so long reading these books whenever i find them there is absolutely nothing of value in them dont waste your time like me


you want to read the fucking books again but on google doc form

holy shit theres that many i only read a few of them. I know what im doing for the next few hours.

theres like 20+ total i think? you can only get a few of them at certain places and theres a few books that are really rare like the Cirryn book (which has like 6k words btw). if you wanna try farming them the castle light library has around 13 books in its lootpool and you can pick them up before doing layer 2.

Me trying to get vesperian for the 1000th time

This is another problem I have with the game, supposedly the races don’t have too much of an impact on the game anymore now, but the fact that not only is it a permadeath PvP game, but also having something like a race being randomized with a gacha system, presumably altering stats and changing things about your build completely makes the game significantly worse in my eyes

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Wait how???

races never had any impact, 2 people of the same build with different races will be almost exactly the same with extremely minor differences that are completely unnoticable

races are just a way to monetize, they dont define your build like they do in other games

the races literally dont do anything they are just cosmetic. In fact this is one of my problems with the race system i wanted the races to have an impact on gameplay so they feel unique but yeah they are completely useless other than drip

I feel like if they do nothing it’s fine, but like why spend money on them if they do basically nothing :skull: (talking about the players) and them being for monetization is whatever
Though now I’m curious what these “minor differences”are

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every race has an ability, but as i said they rarely have any effect on combat and the ones that do arent very good or have downsides

status effects on etreans will last less time, including positive ones

so if you got a regenerating effect, it would go away quicker, but if you had a burn effect, itd also go away quicker, this sounds like a big deal but the difference in time isnt very big and status effects like burning can be put out like rolling anyway

khans can use items 3 levels earlier, so if you had a sword that required 10 medium weapon, youd only need 7 medium weapons points

every race is good and balanced and none especially benefit from any kind of build, so people usually reroll for whatever they think looks cool

felinor is god tier on wood tho, don’t fucking underestimate that boost

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Cosmetic purposes (drip)

But why thousands of robux :skull: thays literally close to 50 USD

roblox devs try not to add gambling to their game challenge (impossible)


because theyre dumb

remember kids, this is what playing luigi poker leads to:

I mean, these are fair points, but the devs have been actively trying to work against this criticism and add lore into the game itself.
As everyone else has said, the 20+ lore books that you can get throughout the game, which were introduced in Verse 2, contain a lot of information from the mindsets of this world’s denizens. It contains a lot of interesting details and lore about the world, and having to gather them all was honestly pretty fun! (One of the lore books is the Divers Journal, which is split into multiple parts that you have to loot from the bodies of Divers in Layer 2. They form a complete story as you go along and assemble it together).
Not only that, they’ve been working on expanding the world itself and the relationships between the factions and inhabitants, along with their intentions, with each faction (Minitrysa, Ignition Union, Divers, and Navaens specifically) gaining more areas, and with that, more NPCs and world building to who they are. For example, the Minitrysians are currently holding the Shrine of Temptation captive in their base, hoping to use it to expand their power and bring the world down just like Celtor. The Songseekers are currently holding the crucified comatose body of a Celestial in their church basement, because they’re all blind lmao. The Navaes are racist. There are way more characters scattered around each area, each expanding upon the ideas of each faction as a whole.
I think the most notable area is Meteor Isle, a land where shards of the Celestial City above rain down upon them. Here, many factions have set up a refuge camp, and, despite their differences, have chosen to work together to defend against the many waves of Mudskipper Knights and Sand Golems. It’s a strange situation, and the inhabitants their all describe their stories and how they got there. For them, it’s a miracle they’ve all gotten along.