Way to reverse ships ( ? )

Way to reverse ships ( ? ) https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/8/08d97c1d418bd079b98290f172b9a16919f68fb4_2_1024x894.jpeg
effort 1.625 8 quality 2.875 8 reasonability 4.2 10

i changed it so you better change your opinion

read it now and the idea is to reverse ships not the way i was thinking it before it’d be too difficult given the ships size

Me personally I’d want ship reversing to be reserved to more technologically advanced ships. Which will give us an excuse for arcanium powered steamboats.

skyships, such mysterious ships we only see once…

it says the same thing

Think Again.

refresh your page and read the first post

modified weapons?

it still says you gotta tell the quartermaster to use oars which is unpractical so im not sure what you meant to change

give up

wdym impractical, it’s commanding him to get the crew to use them to sail backwards and then they use the oar animation and it goes backwards slowly, like how he commands the crew to unload

i mean the other options are either using a steam engine to go backwards, or that anchor method i found by researching

(that’s not gonna happen in ao)

bro just hit S

yep they’re all real ways to reverse ships, this option with the oars was the most realistic, maybe anchoring with oars but that doesn’t sound easy to code and an anchor?

I don’t care if you call upon frickn Zeus to push your boat back I just want to see it happening

we dont really care how it happens

my honest brain reaction upon seeing this topic

but yea i can see why something like this would want to be added, and at certain circumstances i’d think about wanting something like this too

mechanical ships when!

invalid coming from optical :pray: :facepunch: :100: