I made a kitsune architect cuz why not

to typ0
i think you’re too blind to see the details

the hair represent the nine tails
it’s hidden detail

…No I just see hair

and 2 really tiny looking fox ear things

I’m not trying to be mean this is just honestly what I see

(and if the hair represents 9 tails that’s kind of hard to notice since like 3 of her strands are hidden behind her body)

Commodore mildly annoyed

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yep , typ0 doesn’t have high enough mental age to understand what we said

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Live Laugh Kailot :pray::heart:

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2 assassain architects and one navy commodore

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Aye lets leave it at here, theres no need to extend the tension.
I will say that I love her design :sparkling_heart: especially the claws

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glad to know :smiley:

what would go wrong

…sashanatashablissymaymeow perfectly parodies a future Art category post yet again…


every insult I get just fuels my determination even more to cook harder

please, keep doing it.

Mf I just said to leave it :sob: do you have any sense of well-being its not worth it

You see, we artists need motivation somehow

and I’m really feeling the urge to spite the world right now

throughout forums and discord, he alone is the one who broke down

anyway yeah, the only fox thing here is the eyes (and that could as well just be a cat)

so pretty! i love the design, practical and gives the idea!

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Man why y’all acting like I’m sobbing rn this is mad funny

anyways I’ve got the reference images pulled up, doodling some outfit ideas as we speak

that’s gay

“The one who broke down” in this context doesn’t mean to break down crying, but more to “go nuts” as you… have been going for the past few months (i’ve been doubting your mental health lately)
you are, on the metaphorical sense of the word, a starving artist

homophobic insult alert! mods! ban them!

the hair?