If Aliens appeared in our solar system?

Funny thing
People want to do both make peace and make war
So they split into factions and started to butt heads

And there may have been a warhead fired at a human spaceship

Followed by an assassination

Yeah so that’s not happening

then they’ll all die a horrible death
tough luck really

If an alien race is more advanced then us and came to earth or near us at least, chances are that they do come in peace because:

-they could be more civilized perhaps and not want to fight a species that hasn’t really done anything, if anything, they probably came to learn about us.

-our planet wouldn’t be a great option for resources when you could just go and destroy some meteors or plunder lifeless moons.

I would still prepare defenses but…

I would give them a chance.

Uncertainty drives people to panic, especially if the wrong decision could mean extinction

The problem is we can’t be sure if they even process emotions the same as us

Also may have fired a nuke at them

Oh well i guess it gets messy then huh

Well all i can say is uh

Anything can happen i guess

there is no chance that they would take such an unfortunate path as to accidentally crash into something as small as a spaceship while passing through an entire solar system

this entire situation is a hypothetical

most likely if aliens did exist they’d completely ignore our dying planet

we gotta really consider moving smh

move into the sun ong

i mean… mars?

Now lemme ask a scenario:

The aliens don’t just come in our solar system, they head straight to earth and are now floating in the exosphere above our planet.

They haven’t done much yet, but alas, the same 3 options remain

Depends what type of aliens we’re dealing with.

If it’s just some mini creatures with superior technology we can kill them if we play our cards right.

If they’re the average gray matter aliens we can shoot them to death.

But if it’s something like the saiyans, or the viltrumites, or the fucking QU

I will simply be taking my life. Because it’s either that or succumb to whatever the fuck those fuckers might pull.

So uh I guess I’ll say what happens next in the story

The ship eventually begins to enter earth
And they nuke it
And it’s barely crashed

And now there’s a whole fleet of bigger ships sitting at the edge of our solar system

wait the aliens nuke us or we nuked the aliens?

why do u change ur name every week

battle of the cats

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We nuked their ship

 Here's what I think 

Let’s admit that aliens at least exist. There are some theories that aliens already are among us, they are just disguises and look like common people (secret of impostors in among us the game revealed). I don’t really believe in this theory, but, who knows? :alien:
Actually, let’s imagine a situation. You are walking in a random place and encounter an UFO. You’ll 99% shit your pants. If an alien comes out of the UFO? First reaction is attempt to run away. But you can be so scared, so you won’t be able to move.
If I encounter aliens, I would definitely be frightened too. If they are friendly, I would probably ask why they are here. If they seem hostile… Run.
Let’s talk about option to combat. If their spaceships are armed, we are 10000% doomed. But peace is always an option, so we probably can make peace. Going offensive is a suicide. Their spaceships are superior, as said and as seen. We aren’t in Star Wars or film like Independence Day.
I am pretty sure that aliens are not fighting their own races. Let’s get more serious and take our planet. Europeans, Americans, Asians, black people - does not matter. As long we are fighting each other, we can’t even think about making peace with aliens. Because if, for example, Europe will establish peace with aliens, but USA will go war on them? It is gonna be slightly hard.
Well you heard what I wanted to say. We can talk about aliens very long, but we rarely take it serious. Think about what I have said.

Dammit something wrong with text
(nvm i fixed it)