If Aliens appeared in our solar system?

oh well uh…

I mean…

I would assume the aliens would have at least somewhat prepared for that, because since it sounds like they’re much more intelligent and spacefaring they probably have visited other races before us, I mean it seems rational for a less superior or weaker species to retaliate a little, after all we’re just scared.

it seems like these aliens are probably incredibly intrigued by us, we aren’t probably a good food source, and our genomes probably aren’t capable for breeding, and our solar system in general is probably a rather inefficient option for resources, so… why are they here?

and enslavement also makes zero sense since they would have the technology to just make robotic laborers by now.

so personally, I would just… start making a safety doomsday bunker but… what next

we are all worrying about initial contact but like…

are we gonna get apartheid part 2 electric boogaloo if they come in peace and start living on earth or we live on their planet?

Fair enough. But like everyone can remain on their own planets and just do some space tourism and space trade. But that’s just veeeery distant future

We could win if we lived in fast and the furious

I sleep through it lol :sleeping:

zygarde solos negative diff

idk man but like pocoyo solos

zygarde maintains the ecosystem’s balance

warding off aliens is basically his job

Bro why do people think aliens are gonna have the insane technology needed to get to our planet? Chances are, they have the exact same technology as we do.

It’s a pretty big universe, and humans haven’t been technologically progressing for very long compared to the amount of time an unknown species on another planet, possibly habitable far before ours, could.

Still unrealistic, also getting here would take millions of years even if you could move at the speed of light, so they’d probably have to move faster than it, which probably isn’t possible

they dont exist

Though them actually coming here is probably unlikely, the existence of aliens more advanced than us, given the age and absolutely boggling size of the universe and the relatively young age of both the earth and the human race as a species, it’s really, really stupid to argue that there’s not intelligent life out there that isn’t more advanced than us.

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the world is a lie

Are you suggesting that there is no possibility that in the nearly infinite universe, there is not one other planet that can/is supporting life?

True, I’m just saying that them being on earth with their saucers is INCREDIBLY unlikely


Stop it. Get some help. :mariomug:

Looking at their second comment it’s obvious sarcasm.

Omg really?

there is an extremely low chance for aliens that are similar to use to exist, even if it is a near infinite universe