If Aliens appeared in our solar system?

True, but aliens in general are insanely likely to exist. Humanoid aliens are quite stupid, I agree, but aliens that are intelligent or function in similar ways to us are likely.

Also that doesn’t support your argument that aliens don’t exist, it supports the argument that humanoid aliens don’t exist.

tehy could be ‘intelligent’, or made up of an entirely new atom as well

there could be a ton of diffferent things we cant even see

True, although you misspelled “they”. I win.

Also misspelled “different”.

I win.

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let’s be real

the chances stacked on chances of aliens existing let alone coming to our blue little bubble is nearly nonexistent

I think you’re underestimating “near infinite” if you think there’s not aliens similar to us lol.

That ain’t a chance man it’s basically 100% :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

that’s not necessarily true

It kinda is but alr.

there’s no way of proving non-earth life exists but there’s also no way of proving it doesn’t exist

so it’s kinda in limbo

no worries guys I’ll be the guy who steals genetic information from them to create the most powerful and deadly plague ever that only kills them.

imagine ebola and the bubonic plague on compound V

It’s statistically impossible for other life not to exist.

I did a little trolling cough :pensive: :melting_face:

it is possible to confirm. locate process created by natural life and see whether they are abundant. Like oxygen. Planets with life will have higher levels of oxygen in their atmosphere then they normally would. this can also be done with other natural process that are produced quickly by animals. I saw a youtube video on it once. They checked the information with Earth as a satellite was leaving.


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I honestly am failing to understand the people who say alien life does not exist

like, intelligent life might not exist but… there’s all sorts of types of life

ever heard of extremeophiles? life always finds a way to thrive even in the harshest conditions, and on a hypothetical planet with running water and a very basic atmosphere, anything can happen.

thinking that only earth harbors life is very biased and I strongly do not think our planet has any special treatment.

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I summon these: Giant, long-lived bacteria could make microbial farms more productive |  Research | Chemistry World

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oh yeah i was just talking about this but

it’s not a joke, i know it’s not convincing in the slightest, nor the most serious sounding thing but he really did claim it happened :fr:

Pyronical, i’m gonna bint your bogos.