If aliens came to earth but you were also as powerful as a god, what would you do?

I know this is an unusually specific question of the day but let’s say an alien race finally comes to earth and to spice things up, they somehow are aware of your godlike abilities (like resetting the universe or stopping time or creating matter from nothing) what would you do? Would you kill them off instantly or do something else?

id need to know this first: are the aliens fuckable?



I mean like I’m not sure how they would look…


If you want more specific examples then talk tome more

Kill them all

Wise decision, but riddle me this, what if they looked relatively similar to us and weren’t giving off “destroy all humans” vibes, would you regret your choice of mass extinction? (Also as a nerf, you cannot resurrect the aliens, once gone, they’re gone, permanently)

I would show them a slice of the internet and ask them if they really want to risk this spreading into their society


Ask them what they were doing and if they were good then an alliance between humans and that alien species, but if they are bad at existing then I will destroy them with my powerful warlock stat build abilities.

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I give them a tour of earth and send them back with novelty t-shirts, or whatever equivalent. Or realistically, I stop holding them here and let them run like they’ve been wanting to the whole tour.

If they don’t want to leave, I pit their leaders against ours in a three part contest of dexterity, wits and strength, winner takes all.

What would count as “not wanting to leave?”

They don’t run when I let them, and say they don’t want to leave when I ask.

Who cares about aliens? I’m god. I’ll just wipe out the universe and start from scratch with a carefully planned-out universe, optimized for the happiness of millinillinillions of beings.

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What would your ideal alien race be like, how would they look, and would they choose to find earth?

(99% chance you gonna say they are just blue humans with elf ears i can feel it)

I would sit my ass in Mount Olympus and let them do whatever the hell they want tbh

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Who cares that there are aliens, you have godlike abilities.
You can finally fix the world, take control of the universe and make things how you see fit.

so to answer your question, I would finally be able to cut bagels properly.


um i would make the universe paradise probably. idk

help us cure cancer or I’ll destroy all your spaceships and throw a meteor at the planet.

dbz time baby

everything is fuckable if you get enough rule 34 artists on the job

Okay bonus question: how would you guys make your alien species look like?