Sound Magic!
Time Lapse
Composed by TheFatRat
The Hook!
Hello there, and welcome back to another anchor of The Odyssey Feed ! We have much more information to cover than usual today, as a result of my absurd powers of procrastination
. Let’s get started with v1.9.89, going bottom to top!
First of all, the new summon effects for Earth magic have been finished! Can’t wait to get any leaks on this one, and also ice being revamped next !
Next up, we have 4 new stats. I won’t list them, since not only am I lazy but if you’re here, you can probably also read in the English language . They all relate to notes, and will give us some insight one day on the writing savvy of each of our files! We also have a new hint to match this informational addition.
The last new thing we can see is a brand new gamepass ! It’s called “Durable Notes”, and will do 2 things. First of all, it will increase the base despawn timer of any notes you place to an hour instead of 30 minutes, and second, every appraisal on your note will increase the time it takes for it to despawn by 4 minutes instead of 2
! In exchange for a measly 25 robux, you can get your message out there a bit more!
@Rayman_Axel also was kind enough to notify us in Reminders for AO 2 that this gamepass, along with its icon and description were publicly available under the Arcane Odyssey Test Realm. Here’s its icon and Roblox link !
That gamepass image also shows us what notes will look like when placed on sand, having been mentioned earlier to be notes in bottles . The very next thing we have to discuss is Weapon Casting!
Weapon Casting allows you to bind an Arcanium Weapon to one of your magics. After this, all spells of that magic are visually “casted” by the weapon . “Well,” you say, “this is nothing new!” WRONG
! If you look closely at… uh, something(?), you can see that it’s no longer a gamepass!
Both of these screenshots are by Sock (Don’t want to ping you twice in one anchor, though ), so thank you a lot!
And if you thought that was all the exciting news, take a look …
That’s right. At long last we have new magic leaks ! Just take a good look at them! I love the pleasant liquid visuals of water and acid (Especially that 2d ring on the first image), and fire magic has looked better than any fire I’ve seen in a game before, from the tongues of flame to the embers cascading through the air. All of these are a sight to behold
. We even get a taste of the new multi-explosion!
That’s not all there is to analyze here, though. Correct me if i’m wrong, but this is an area we haven’t seen before, besides in the background . It seems to be a stony area with barrels, fences, and watch towers. And remember this flag
Not only this, but a very spicy looking chest has also shown itself, tucked away in the very last image! I couldn’t get a good screenshot of it sadly , so this was taken by @nazeem:
Last but not least, here’s a topic where you can discuss this volley of new information .
Up next…
It’s finally happened . The skills for the Fort Talos boss are over, after what seemed like a ceaseless trek through a mile long tunnel filled with molasses. The fabric of reality itself rejoices at this development
. Now the balancing process for the boss begins!
Besides this, Earth Magic is continuing it’s own journey towards a revamp by being given a brand new look for its blast attack !
Last but not least, you can always see the recommended level for your current point in the storyline, which previously could only be seen if you were underleveled. Definitely an addition worth adding !
That’s all for this anchor. Cya next time !
On Topic!
If aliens came to earth but you were as powerful as a god, what would you do?
Posted by @DubiousLittleTyp0
In quite an interesting question, if you were omnipotent and your home planet, Earth (I hope ) was being invaded by intelligent lifeforms from somewhere far away, what would be your course of action
? Personally, I would make sure the encounter furthered science, gave us a new perspective, and was not violent in any way, well, because I have the theoretical power to make that happen
Arcane Art!
Keiran - Darkness Magic
Created by @Kenda
In this excellent eye candy, Keiran has decided (I don’t know the lore, where do I find it ) that his best course of action was to become edgier than a medieval weapons room, but with even more deadliness. Wielding a scythe and darkness magic, nothing can stop him, except for a vial of holy water, a good base of operations, some responsible dedicated soldiers, and a few nuclear weapons
. I love the colors and stance
Writing Wizardry!
ADIM: Lost Things - Chapter V: The Tower
Written by @BNTarwarn
Within yet another chapter of the story where you, the viewer, can forge the path the characters take, BNT has delivered with the newest entry to Average Day In Magius: Lost Things . This time, the gang heads into the alchemist’s tower. And with so many objects around them and the environment seeming calm, it might be time to practice some charms
… but what?
The Chart!
Last anchor’s riddle solver was @sock! Congratulations for being the first to crack it!
The answer was… ”Newground Island”!
You open the chart, and it reads…
The location of the first quest on the journey to awakening.
First to comment or message me with the answer will get a shoutout next anchor!
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People who hate rusty cans have a 100% chance to die, as proven by recent scientific research.