If WoM wasn't transformed into Arcane Odyssey but still underwent a major revamp to fix its flaws, what would your WoM look like?

You are allowed to alter the storyline while keeping the major characters/bosses.
You are allowed to alter the map while keeping it Magius.
You may alter the magic progression system in any way.
You are allowed to add from either AO/AA or remove pre-existing features.

Let me know what you’d do! Would be interesting to hear. :slight_smile:

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I would add a little technology like electricity or just small technological advancement especially for the rich

and a magic discrimination issue in some place

sort of like America before Martin Luther King Jr speech


Electricity in The Arcane universe does and has existed for like 1000 years, the reason it’s not present in Magius idk, but there’s a statue of the creator of electricity, it is present.

I know it exist but somehow not being used after AA and there is a statue of it’s creator with a random NPC looking at it

There is no random npc staring at it so I think just stumbled across a normal npc

they don’t talk about the statue but more of a 1 npc waiting there for either a quest or just standing there

That is what I thought TGR would be. It would undergo a huge revamp to fix its flaws but vetex changed it into another game easier for him to make.

Here’s the things I’d do -

I’d add horses and to make sure players used the horses I’d make flight disabled in certain areas and give an explanation somehow like MC disabled it over there because of some secret intel or something and I’d make sure the reason was tied with the story.

I’d place spawn points accross the map so when you die you go to the closest spawn point instead of 1000m away.

I’d make more interesting types of quests and make the storyline better some way.

That’s not even a revamp, that’s just an update on a roadmap.

I think the main issues was (and still is) poorly implemented progression. Current progression is a rapid and single-dimensional grind to 90, followed by a completely different (and much slower) grind to get good equipment.
The game drastically shifts halfway through, and most content is segregated into one of the two sub-games. WoM is two half-complete games instead of one.

Fetch quests are an awful way to introduce the first hour of the game and should be killed off - all quests should be some form of combat quest.
There might be quests where you’re asked to speak to someone/retrieve an item, but they should all involve an “unexpected” encounter with enemies to kill. Also more boss fights plz - or at least unique enemies.

On a similar note, early game combat should be made interesting by giving the player a full complement of simple spells much sooner - you should have everything up to and including high jump within the first hour or so. If combat is fun from the get-go, the rest of the game can take its time and we can have a level cap that takes longer than 6 hours of grinding.

In terms of reducing the divide between pre/post cap, I think the best approach is making common items easier to find and cheaper to upgrade. It’s completely impossible to actually mantain a decent set of equipment until you hit the level cap - stuff costs too much to upgrade and items obsolete too fast for anyone to keep their armour and accessories up to date.
Level cap content should be the rare stuff (and that can stay expensive and impossible to find), but players should be able to keep a full set of equipment up to their level as they progress.

More specifically, items that give percentile stats (Magic Size, Agility, etc) should be reworked so they’re actually useful in the earlygame, and not just a noob trap that makes 80% of the items in the game worthless. Logarithmic scaling pretends to fix this but really doesn’t and just causes more problems - what we actually need is AA’s method of no scaling.

Items for percentile stats should have a simple multiplier (say, +10% magic size), and a small amount of power or defense. Upgrading an item improves the power/defense, but the multiplier stays the same - later game items can have higher multipliers (so endgame magic size gear gives a bigger boost than earlygame gear), but the multiplier isn’t improved by levelling up the gear.

Finally, something I’d really like to see is expanding Teamwork (the quest sharing feature nobody ever uses) to more areas of the game, and making it more effective than solo grinding. Currently it’s way slower than normal questing because you’re getting halved XP and finding/completing quests isn’t any faster, just easier (and all the quests are already easy). Getting another friend to join you should always make things faster for everyone - even if only a little.

My best experiences in this game have always been playing with friends and organised events (like ice fishing). Playing with friends is fun and should be rewarded, and making friends should be rewarded. Guilds should be more than just a number to grind and flex.


I really enjoyed reading through your detailed explanation. Thank you a lot!

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Yeah you’re right :nod:

Ill rip a hole through the baseplate

I’d split the current map into big-ish islands and add more options to the storyline, because Hero and Villain choices seem to basic for me, maybe like ‘The path of insert name of your character’s current aspirations and dreams’.

like arcane odyssey


Plot twist wom was just arcane 2

that’d be cool

i would try to make more diversity in attack (you can use magic or weapons and they would be equal) also i would make it so npcs dont treat u differently based on rep (unless its mc) because having to search for wanted npc is hella annoying

Ngl this is kinda pushing into necrobump territory image

Nonetheless I’m personally interested so I would say… war. I’m serious. I sincerely think this was the best possible plotline:

I think this should’ve been expanded upon and made into the full plotline.

I also think that the map was kinda bad, although it wouldn’t really be Magius anymore here was my headcanon map made shortly before TGR was announced.

Magic making would be absolutely revamped. More customization is a necessary thing.
What I would do is throw in a skill system like the one I suggested here as well as introduce one of the several systems inferno made, with modifications. I would also throw in the Lost Spells.
Weapon revamp is necessary.
I would change the time period. Rather than Magius losing everything the AG was on the verge of, I suggest an almost industrial time period, with overall steampunk atmosphere. Airships, floating islands, etc. Weaponry should be greatly advanced.
Lastly I suggest mixing the diverse randomly spawning NPCs with fixed, AA style NPCs.

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Probably would look akin to a Bethesda RPG, like Fallout New Vegas