If you could add one type of magic to Arcane Odyssey what would it be?

Among us magic:
Has stats close to shadow and wins clashes with all magics and it makes puddles and creates sus clouds and does sus damage over time it’s an ancient magic

Anti Magic


faction suggestion, want to read it?

anti magic magic is just wave

ancient magic cold variant called like glacier that has one of the largest aoe’s in the game with low damage and moderately high dot like frostbite

justice for cold magics


Rose magic “A magic that consists of red/white rose petals and thorns”

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Anti Magic:

For non magic

Despite the name, Anti Magic isn’t “magic”. It is obtained from an ancient spell scroll, which grants the user the ability to imbue any magic-less(basically by our standards, NORMAL) weapon with the “Anti” enchant(Anti-Old Sword, for example).
You can also imbue your fists/legs with it if you use a fighting style
Basically, the weapon imbued with the enchant gains the ability to deflect and nullify magic attacks.
For example, let’s say I used Piercing Gale with my Anti Rapier, and you used a fire magic placed explosion or blast.
The attack would deal no damage and instead would be deflected somewhere else.
Re-reading this now, that is probably really OP. Oh well, it’s just an idea!
This clearly benefits non magic builds more, so I’ll add an extra effect.

For magic hybrids

The Anti Magic spell can also be utilized in real magic(useful for conjurors, see).
Instead of an enchant, the user can create an entire mini-dome where magic cannot be used, including magic of the user.
However, the user can cast anti magic by hitting them with an anti enchanted attack, which would disable magic attacks for 2 seconds.
Awakened Conjurors will not be able to use anti magic with a magic-imbued weapon.

For pure magic

Honestly, not sure.
Maybe the same as conjurors spell?

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Love. magic. you can do the true love form was a magic.

ur so woman

if i break a rule on accident will i be instantly shot dead and have my body melted in hydrofluoric acid

I’ve only just met you and I do not like you already :+1::+1::+1:

Welcome to hell (the AO forums)

Lazarus curse, but magic.

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Sometimes you don’t even have to break a rule


What sort of gas?

Green gas

Ash magic
Basically this magic would shoot things and make big ash clouds that do damage over time. Similar to poison magic but this has synergy with flame type magics

there should also be magma magic thatd be really cool i think

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Bro that would be so cool but it would probably be a lost or ancient magic maybe a mutation of fire and earth magic

let’s add “crystal” magic that would be cool

and give it the most variations in game

Make them rainbow variations too but don’t give them to light or lightning
Actually I realized how much I want white light