If you could add one type of magic to Arcane Odyssey what would it be?

I’ve only just met you and I do not like you already :+1::+1::+1:

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Lazarus curse, but magic.

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Sometimes you don’t even have to break a rule


What sort of gas?

Green gas

Ash magic
Basically this magic would shoot things and make big ash clouds that do damage over time. Similar to poison magic but this has synergy with flame type magics

there should also be magma magic thatd be really cool i think

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Bro that would be so cool but it would probably be a lost or ancient magic maybe a mutation of fire and earth magic

let’s add “crystal” magic that would be cool

and give it the most variations in game

Make them rainbow variations too but don’t give them to light or lightning
Actually I realized how much I want white light

white = rainbow but combined

black crystal magic :100: :sunglasses:

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You just want any form of obsidian you could get
I support this

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Promethean light magic /j

I remember when he made the color white

I’ve said a few times if lost magics do generally get variations that’d be a really good diamond variant

I mean like it’s not just the ones that stated they’d get color variations

bring it back :frcryin:

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No :rage:

imagine training for so long to be a police officer to be defeated by mud