I'm a warlock main, ask me any questions

doesn’t make it fair

I’m just saying getting 3,000 HP and dealing 170+ dmg per attack isn’t fair, a semi decent iron leg berserker can wipe without even trying

go complain to the balancing team then arguing with me is not going to fix your skill issue

you started it XD

also its not skill issue to lose against something you aren’t really even meant to win against

i.e crystal iron leg warlock, shit does 400 DMG per hit and with a good build gets 2,500 HP

are you dumb or stupid
you’ve literally ruined this topic with your incessant complaints about iron leg glazing so hard
crystal iron leg warlock isn’t fun to fight, but neither is warrior, your complaint is literally just “waah waah why is there a warlock meta!!” if you decide to fight an iron leg user in an enclosed space, you’ll probably lose because there is less space to dodge
the only iron leg build that is broken is crystal iron leg, you’re using weapons as a crutch for your skill issue. Iron leg users with slow magics are literally as slow as it gets. Press G

xd I could say the same to you

Also, I already said I don’t use warrior anymore, and even so, again, the same applies to you too xd

you act as if you use iron leg berserker/warlock yourself

Has smash+crash spamming melted YOUR brain?

and I’ll say it again, I don’t use warrior anymore, I use conjuror, and even if you said “L weapons user(cringe)” it still wouldn’t make sense xd

im not even an iron leg user i just don’t like people with skill issues
i fight iron leg users all the time and win all the time you just suck

wtf are you saying “weapons as a crutch”

tired of TP spammers? press G

xd you probably suck more than me

shot spamming would make more sense as using crash usually isn’t a good idea

“isn’t a good idea” the iron leg user in question:

i’m not even gonna continue replying to your nonsense

if you aren’t then I get the final word, Iron leg Berserker/Warlock(intensity) is no skill

ive made my decision, if only because iron leg has the coolest imbue visuals

ok cool

Is savant winning?

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you dont need synergy to have agood build. shadow magic on its own makes the build good along with the heat from thermo

I didn’t say that