I'm a warlock main, ask me any questions

respectable decision

Lightning conjurers:

(We can and will dog on anyone doing less than 200 damage per hit.)

100/150 or 120/130, which is best?

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do synergies work with warlock cuz they dont seem to work anymore with conjurer


150 strength

No idea

300 damage sand conjurer winnin :yawning_face::yawning_face:

was using plasma iron leg and going for an intensity health and DoT build but switched to sailor for a scald build. Not sure if plasma iron might be worth going anymore since new balance doc has:

Also have shadow thermo so might use that if plasma is just bad

For the question, what settings do you use for moves like size/amount?

perfect plug moment

i tried slam crash this update, just for follow up after rushdown instead of smaller smash
also, for plasma iron leg, it should be good whenever that’s fixed, pretty much just faster iron leg, you also could use thermo plasma for the double dot but it’s really which you like more

I use the smashes and shots already, might add the extra crash and fix the items later. Thanks, nice content btw

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wth all that red looks so nice

it’s favorite color btw

Got any recommendations for Sand? I’ve been using Iron Leg. Wondering if there’s some stat I should lean into armor-wise or if I should swap to a different style or anything of that nature.

dont u not lose heat when doing rushdowns anymore

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I don’t think that’s been added yet

i never actually figured out:
are fighting styles capable of clearing status like magic?

if i was on fire with sailor style and i started charging would it go away?

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i just tested:
sailors dosent clear status effects at all :frpensive:

Vids old

Sand thermo is good
Run a lot of attack speed and power