Imo,AO should have separate pve and pvp servers

bounty/fame and reputation should be different imo
reputation should go -8000 to 8000 like in wom
bounty should build up by doing bad things and get completely cleared when the player is arrested unless gained through assassination/bounty hunting
fame should build up from bounty hunting as a good rep

this actually sounds like a really good idea ngl

this was pretty much the aa (arcane adventures) model

this is all i added

not reading allat, rkers just get a hit from rking

This thread is like a blind and a deaf arguing

One has to lip read the other has to have the other side of the argument played through a text to speech lol

Im a pve player and Id say this is just too much hassle to implement

right now if you want to avoid pvp, literally just sail to the northern portion of the map, sweats and rkers dont have the patience to go out of their way and track you down (if you want a pve server, just go to any island other than Ravenna or Munera lmao).

And itā€™s not like Ravenna is important, either. You just happen to spawn there. If you want to run cargo, go for sailorā€™s lodge, you wonā€™t lose too much profit. You can fish from any other damn island in the game, and pvp is unheard of in the dark sea.

The only minor gripe I have is that timmies trying to finish the storyline for the first time will be forced to fight two difficult bosses on the same island populated by pvpers with hundreds/thousands of player kills and/or hours.

tl;dr: you can literally do all of your business in a server full of pvpers and not be bugged at all, you just forgot that the rest of the bronze sea exists and that you can hide in it.

That works for anyone who doesnā€™t have over 150k renown or a clan with over 10k or 50k infamy. At that point itā€™s worth tracking them down

the necromancer

Pvp in this game is flaming shit for the casual player (me) and always will be for a myriad of reasons. However, itā€™s optional for the most part. This is why the majority of my issues with the current iteration of global PvP come in these forms of it being NOT optional:

  • PvPers able to walk up to you and kill you and steal your shit and theres nothing you can do about it :person_shrugging:
  • Super cool shit like deckhands (formerly) and clans (now and in the future) being locked behind pvp. God awful design choice. Not helped by vetex having a custom magic and a community of people giving him free stuff, completely alienating him from just how fucking awful pvp is for casuals
  • Thereā€™s no reason 3 but I just put a third bullet point because I felt like it

Edit: Vetex described pve content for clans in the Q&A and I am now at peace


people do this???
canā€™t he give himself free stuff???

The fairest king comes not from among the highest and grandest, but from low enough to understand the hardship of all below him.

Not true. Iā€™ve been bounty hunted a lot in palo, shell, frostmill, redwake and even once on the stepstones. And i have less than 100k bounty and am in a clan with only 8k infamy :sob:

just wipe your renown :man_shrugging:

Bro doesnā€™t know how to run away

How can i run away if iā€™m nowhere near my ship and am in literally the middle of frostmill village? i did run away twice though cause I was on my ship

does not work on rkers

6th millionth person saying they figured out the solution to have pvp become optional:

Spoiler: Its also flawed like the rest of them.