In-game island sizes vs canon sizes


y’know, i was expecting an argument between die-hard fans that erupted with the amount of replies that popped up

turns out it was just something else that took away a bunch of my braincells

No it was me trying to prove something everyone knows

Basically common sense vs stupidity

fuck happened in 4 hours

oh my god shut the fuck up how did this happen overnight

Could you name some games that have completely accurate, lore friendly game worlds that reflect their population and size? Even if you can, they are the exception. There are very, very few games that build a 1:1 world.

You know Whiterun? Supposedly one of the biggest cities in Skyrim, and possibly all of Tamriel. Except, in-game, it has 74 inhabitants, and 9 houses.

The point being, game worlds rarely ever reflect their actual size. So it stands to reason that an incredibly small island that says it has 1000 inhabitants, does not reflect that fact accurately ingame, nor is it meant to be taken literally that everyone can live in so few buildings.

ok bro but who asked

Ok man are you trolling? Since otherwise youre being pathetic rn

Artificial Intelligence when Natural Stupidity walks in:


How would 40 people live under one singular roof
That would imply that everyone in Palo town is literally like borderline homeless in terms of income despite it being a merchant town.

There’s also ten THOUSAND mfs in Ravenna with another 2 thousand(?) soldiers, you wanna convince me that they all fit into those relatively small “cities”? There isn’t even a military fort on the island to house any of those soldiers assuming they don’t live in a house.

Common sense vs stupidity :cold_face:

yeah this guy is just kinda dumb and resorted to shit like “who asked” after he realized how braindead his argument was

Is someone seriously saying that 1000 citizens in like the 20 palo town houses is a thing in the actual lore?

If you want to know, yes, palo town is much much larger in canon


Why am I not surprised.

This has to be the stupidest argument I’ve ever been in

you literally did it first bro like how can you be so stupid :nauseated_face:

The large majority of Palo Towns residents