Has Vetex Ever Been Wrong / Admitted He Was Wrong


That’s literally a lore explanation is it not :skull:
And again going back to my other point, if it was “incorrect” then vetex could easily just fix it, it’s literally just the orientation of the compass or the sun

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Ngl, i think he should have contacted Nasa in that scenario

Yea idk what vetex was talking about there lmao

when did i say “i am never wrong”, i am literally explaining how those situations are not me being wrong and just peoples expectations of wom being too high, stop trying to reach to prove a point bruh jesus :skull:


i never said this, i explained that the attack fucked up the earth’s axis and rotation, how tf would it make the sun revolve around the earth :skull:


bro the sun rising and setting in different directions has ALWAYS been a thing even back in AA, it was not a mistake, it was an intended decision due to durza’s attack, which is why in AO the sun setting is consistent with how it works in AA. if it was a mistake, i would have corrected it in AO

this whole thread turned into people being ignorant instead of naming actual examples of how ive been wrong such as release estimates


(lmao he liked it too)

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Fair enough, but when are you adding catboys to AO :poggers2:

Messing with the earth’s axis and rotation would not make the sun rise from opposite sides on opposite sides of the planet unless the sun revolved around the earth.

There are explanations on the topic itself which you already responded to
Continuing the discussion from Information on the Sun:

acktually it’s just because magic

If it changed the direction the earth rotates in its orbit, yes it would. As for the thing about the compass, yes I’ll admit its a mistake that it would still point towards the “old north” but the earth’s rotation being different is still intended


A way the sun could rise west on one side, and east on the other, is if the earth’s orbit was extremely eccentric, the rotation took about the same time as the orbit, and the orbit and rotation were either both counterclockwise or both clockwise. If that happened, when the earth would be in the part of its orbit far from the sun, the sun would rise in the direction earth rotates, but then it would seem to reverse direction as the earth passes the sun, so the opposite side of the earth sees it, and then the process would repeat

So I think I got a general conclusion as to how the whole sun thing works in the Arcane Universe

Before, in AA, the sun rose from the North and set to the South. This would apply to everywhere in the world, regardless of location. Although, due to how planets work, the sun cannot completely rise parallel in the north and set in the south, since that is not possible. To combat this, the Earth has a very slight tilt with its axis, making it so the sun appears to be going from north to south, but it actually isn’t, it’s just very close to its North and South Poles when rotating making it appear that way.

If you look at this photo provided by @ThatOneGuy when inside AA, you can see their character facing perfect north, but as you can also see, the sun isn’t in the direction of perfect north, but close to it nonetheless.

Then, due to the great magnitude of Durza’s attack, the world completely changed its rotational direction on its axis, causing the sun to now rise in the “South” and then set in the “North” by the time we get into AO.

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my bad. I completely missed the north and south part

god damn I know I may sound ignorant but why do you guys care so much about the way the sun rises like is it really that huge of a deal?

I mean isn’t the earth already interesting enough in the AA universe?

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odd but whatever

Made a topic about it once out of my own curiosity since I was sure this was a minor thing no one ever considered paying attention to but bring it up like it was some kind of huge lore revelation or smth.

It’s not really about the sun itself though but the reasoning Vetex (initially) gave as to why it is the way it is.

The first line “It rises in the south in AO cuz its on the complete opposite side of the world compared to AA…” is completely wrong as to how the sun rises in the world. The second part about it rising in the seven seas and setting in the waring seas is correct, yes, but for that to be they have to rise in the same direction. You cannot have a sun rise in the north in one location where it rises in the south in another.

But that doesn’t mean AO can’t exist or anything. After all AA takes place before AO and AA was suppose to (and does in the canon) finish off with a climatic battle that could be the result of either the change in the orbit or change in the magnetic polls. There are multiple possible explanations really for why it is but Vetex’s first one about this was just wrong. Durza and PK’s fight fucked it up? Yeah sure, that’s possible. The sun just rises in different directions depending on where you are? Nope, that just doesn’t happen.

Again overall very minor but still a neat thing to note. I don’t hold it against him or anything, maybe just a minor slip up but that just goes to show he’s human like the rest of us. So :person_shrugging:

that’s the gist of why people are talking about the sun ig


here comes the sun doo doo doo doo

oh boy oh boy I hope this is a very peaceful and civilized discussion happening!