Interchange lets you re-pick first magic upon consumption

Interchange lets you re-pick first magic upon consumption
effort 3.666666666666667 12 quality 3.538461538461538 13 reasonability 4.066666666666666 15

You think getting sunkens should be the baseline grinding for changing magics?
Correct my misunderstanding if there is one but please do tell.

throughout all 12 of my files and playthroughs, i have gotten one (1) acrimony ever

Obviously not, as i mentioned i would prefer a more Challenging way to obtain a magic reset

Seems like you’ve separated yourself from that other guy since you don’t like low effort easy solutions. I think they’re fine, since it makes it more likely that Vetex would actually implement the positive consequences of the solution (letting people change magic).

Could’ve said this earlier instead of bloating a topic by contributing to a petty argument. I hope by “more challenging method to obtain” you mean something that requires skill and not an even rarer random drop.

Too bad, next time try using luck 3 potions, it helps getting them i think

i actually agree with you there, having it be challenging instead of rng would be so much better, but this suggestion is still good

I hope by “more challenging method to obtain” you mean something that requires skill and not an even rarer random drop.

yep, exactly what i want

I think it should be relatively easy because its relatively easy for literally every other class and having it be different like that for magic would just be stupid.

No it is not, don’t even try defending it

Not to burst the topic in a different direction, But I think my question about the limitations of weapons and vitality was still not answered

what limitations and why are they relevant to this discussion?
(answer: little to none and they aren’t)

because this is about magic

you compared magic changing problems to other arctypes

other then FS every other arch type has its own limitations

you can just equip a different weapon by going into your inventory, you can literally change your entire loadout in 30 seconds

Weapons have more attack variety than magic and they can change that attack variety in seconds.

sure but you can’t edit those skills at all, magic can entirely edit and customize skills alot more

so can fighting styles

also for skill notes you need to grind ALOT of weapons and you need more ENCHANTS too

yeah i agree that fighting styles have it easier then all the classes as a whole, which is why i excluded it before

you excluded it because it goes against what you’re saying?