Interchange lets you re-pick first magic upon consumption

Interchange lets you re-pick first magic upon consumption
effort 3.666666666666667 12 quality 3.538461538461538 13 reasonability 4.066666666666666 15

buddy this isn’t about metamancing, people just get tired of using a single magic and the game is VERY file unfriendly

One day the forums will go without an argument, but that day is not today or anytime soon

I excluded it cuz it’s the arc type that literally makes other arc types feel limiting

Also one thing I’d like to point out is how funny it is for nicky here to call me of all people a metamancer lol.

This suggestion sucks but for a reason everyone else neglected to mention.

Having to use an Acrimony is too hard and expensive just to change magic, which is why they should just be put into rare-tier base magic scrolls and we’ll call it a day. Not only is it a good middle ground between easy and hard, but it also lets magic users change their loadout at the same speed and degree that all the other classes can.

Therefore I think all of you are stupid for not thinking of my genius idea first.


I’m right on the same page as you.
Acrimony is far too high of a price for this.

yea, i actually agree with that now, there are a lot better ways to have a magic reset than acrimonies

Alr time to add magic mastery to the game

Mastery is a stupid pointless mechanic that serves no purpose other than to waste the player’s time.
It is not the only mechanic like that in the game but that doesn’t justify it existing.

the limitation for magic changing would be the rare item itself, and the fact that using it will probably get rid of all the lost spells you’ve learned, don’t think we’d need a system like mastery to balance it

yeah just make everything easy to grind in a PVE game

Going over to fort talos and pressing Q for 10 minutes is not challenging, its a waste of the player’s time.

Much the same as going over to fort talos and holding M1 for 10 minutes.

again, make my life easy cuz i made a mistake during picking my first magic + i don’t wanna put effort to gain back cuz obviously i don’t wanna put effort

maybe next time you will think before picking your first magic

I know that is sarcastic but that would be ideal…

how is having to find a rare item and 8 (well actually 24 with 3 magics) different lost spells easy

also mastery is hardly putting in effort anyway, it takes 10 minutes at most to max out

From what you’ve described by your definition of challenge, have you considered getting into GPO?
Its entire loop sounds like exactly the sort of thing you’d like.

i Would like 100% agree to most of these outrageous ideas if this game had a PVP focus

A pvp focused game shouldn’t have so much of a hassle in the pve part



As a former GPO player, it 100% is

let me change my fucking magic damn it
I want to swap to snow simply because the arcmancer set is a drooler