Interchange lets you re-pick first magic upon consumption

Interchange lets you re-pick first magic upon consumption
effort 3.666666666666667 12 quality 3.538461538461538 13 reasonability 4.066666666666666 15


I’m only slightly surprised to see you get heated over that. I just think it’d be nice if a few extreme things were a bit less grindy… or if the grindy stuff was actually fun and not a lagfest (dark sea).

its not like people come across an acrimony every single day, being able to change magics overall just makes the game more fun and increases replayability

Fair I honestly can’t believe vetex has had us waiting nearly a year and a half for this.

nah i think its kinda funny lol + im so bored of Playing AO so im waiting on updates while runnin arround here

its not like people come across an acrimony every single day, being able to change magics overall just makes the game more fun and increases replayability

replayability…? :moyai:

if i’m bored of my current magic i’ll just outright quit the game until the next update comes out, if i can change magics ill try new builds and play for more time, it’s not that deep

leave then, It’s a PVE game not a PVP one, I’m sorry you can’t do your bloxfruits gacha swap here

I’ve made 3 files so far up to level 125 to try different magics and it burnt me out of AO.

I’d like to ask who the fuck is mentioning PvP other than you?

Nah man messing up thrice is wild, I’m guilty of messing up files too as ive re-grinded files like multiple times for no good reason and making them again just cuz the charecter name didn’t feel right

and even I’m not complaining

vetex himself said he is adding magic reset later on, i’m not sure why you are being so obnoxious and bossy

I’m pretty certain most people here are hard focused on the pve aspect, I have no clue why he keeps bringing up pvp

making a point here, I want the game to be challenging, seems your against a PVE game being difficult for some reason

Because most of your ideas would suit a pvp game much better

So it looks like this is relevant again.

PVE as a whole is a lot more than just changing magics, specially later on when concept man turns into added-into-the-game man

Literally which part of my replies are trolls? I legit want the game to feel challenging

I mean you’re being obnoxious and stupid and that should also get you booted out of this channel, there’s no place for that here.

true man, If a magic swap item is added, then hopefully it’s like you need to travel the dark seas to find it or maybe kill the new dragon or other dark sea creature to get it

Man then what am i supposed to do? suppress myself cuz your right and i shouldn’t speak out that i want a more challenging way to get things?

again, im not against the whole idea of magic reset,

what i want is a challenging way to get it

If your hating me cuz i want the game to be harder and complex then that’s on you