With the recent removal of repeatable quests, I’ve heard lots of talk about players being vastly under leveled for certain encounters and overall having a bad time while they’re completely confused on why their repeatable were deleted.
If I had to guess the infinitely repeating quests mindset probably stems from blox fruits and similar games drilling that system into people’s heads for days and weeks on end.
Redwake being the first real location of the game having access to none of these mechanics is probably not helping much either.
This, for numerous reasons, needs to be solved as quickly as possible.
I have a couple ideas in mind I believe will help newer players adapt to the unfamiliar systems in this game.
Firstly: Tutorial popups.
The second that the game detects that the player has a shovel they should be told to look out for treasure charts that may lead to modified treasure with improved stats from normal items.
Secondly: New quests to help introduce players to these mechanics in a rewarding way.
The two “treasure chart” quests ingame completely fail at this for a number of reasons.
(you don’t get a chart, the hints are extremely obvious and also not found in charts, the reward is practically nonexistent)
At frostmill, there should be a couple quests players are given in relation to diving, brewing, and treasure charts.
The player should be taught extremely early on how to obtain water breathing potions and revealing potions, even if both reagents for those are unobtainable at frostmill (a store maybe??)
The brewing quest should be the first step in a quest chain that leads the player to the diving quest.
(this could replace enizors quest line for something that makes more sense given that quest line was created before brewing was added)
The quest should require the player to sail back over to dawn island and obtain the necessary reagents to make a handful of revealing and breathing potions (this would only include gathering a small amount of seaweed and a couple growth sap from trees, clams would be provided by enizor)
The diving quest could involve a preset diving spot location that functions IDENTICALLY to normal diving spots inside of the frostmill cave where there’s that underwater section with the chests in that big room with the icicles, you know the one.
The player’s task is to open every chest in the diving spot and bring up two bronze sealed chests. (for quest purposes they contain whatever enizor needs in addition to normal lootpool)
Enizor takes note of drowned items and ship parts found while diving and explains how to reliably find more places like that around the world.
The treasure chart quest could come immediately before the brewing quest in the chain or immediately after the diving quest, in which enizor gifts the player a wooden shovel and a marking scroll, the marking scroll is important, players will NOT bother without it.
Enizor explains how to use the scroll and after applying it, talking to Enizor one more time gives a non-deleting frostmill treasure chart that’s randomized like any other but doesn’t go away on death.
Completing the treasure chart completes the quest.
Enizor takes note of frozen items the player brings back and explains that different sorts of modified equipment could come from different islands, and to try exploring more charts in the future and so on and so forth.
To summarize this section because I know its super long:
Step 1: Go gather seaweed and growth sap and here’s how to find them. (no sharks please)
Step 2: Make breathing and revealing potions.
Step 3: Find the diving spot within the Frostmill caves.
Step 4: Use the potions and collect the treasure below. (do not allow sharks to spawn)
Step 5: Bring treasure back, Enizor thanks player and explains how to find more diving spots.
Step 6: Here’s an enchantment to put on this here shovel that will make finding things underground easier.
Step 7: Apply the scroll and here’s how.
Step 8: Here’s a treasure chart for frostmill, find the location (randomized like any other and is not lost on death, contains normal rewards in addition to quest reward)
Step 9: Bring treasure back, Enizor explains treasure charts and modifiers.
Step 10: Enizor joins as a quartermaster.
Tl;Dr :
Players are used to blox fruits/GPO grind, they need to be readjusted to AO’s different approach at progression.
Rework Enizor questline to allow players to learn about brewing, diving, and chart hunting and emphasize their rewards over grinding generic quests.
Feedback is appreciated.