Is there any reason NOT to use 20% blast?

bro is NOT visan

I used to use 20% blast, but I replaced it with Javelin when it got added since light is all about hitting targets repeatedly and not just once.

All of my other spell slots are occupied so theres no reason for me to keep a 20% blast.

Because, ite hard to hit for this type of combat that you constantly running, jumping and dashing.

The only use for 20% blast is for bosses that stand still for some times like Argos and Calvus

no, currently it’s practically piercing shot with no cooldown, it’s super good

necrobumping this to say: 20% blast is pretty gnarly on warlock if you land a crash into someone and then follow up with what I call a “death injection”

savant need 100% blast size

sounds like an aim issue

death injection is the perfect name for it, it’s also a really good use for second magic savant (20% magma blast HURTS)

Because it’s less lenient if you can’t perfectly put your cursor on them in time

close range 20% blast is really good tho as a punish tool you must agree Mr cryo :face_with_monocle:

cuz pvp is for nerds and big blasts are better in pve

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I’m ass at pvp so I don’t really understand lol

Basically, 20% blast, with its absurd damage and small hitbox, allows it to be a great close quarters punish tool (AKA your opponent is in endlag and you’re within range to hit them) or as a good combo tool (warlocks can crash into a target and follow up with x2 20% blasts for huge damage)

it’s also somewhat of a good “get off me” tool in some cases, though I think the best usage of a “death injection” is in combos.

Yeah but tiny visuals = no neuron stimulation :pensive:

crap guys, he might be onto something…

20% blast is actually kind of mid ngl… no flashy anime…

that is if you don’t count the giant pulsing damage numbers you’ll be getting :money_mouth_face: stimulation achieved


two inch blast

horrible bait ngl
yeah 20% is good, but only when they’re literally breathing in your face, not even top pvpers land it consistently, and Consistency > Damage every time

archer go ask abu i land 20% blasts consistently on my life :sob:

can we please put this man in the balance team?

only possible on high speed builds bro