Is this ban valid (hint: no)

wouldnt this just be a macro? (which supposedly isnt bannable if the user is at the pc while doing it)

I’ve never used a macro before, but he said he doesn’t use macros, well unless he has the reaction speed of a fly and for his game to not freeze up once and cause him to miss a fish, then he used some script that wasn’t a macro.

ok yea that’s pretty fishy


They just use other client I think


Mods when this exists:

Basically the ultimatum is that they already have their proof but showing it could prevent them from getting said proof in the future.

Showing said proof would help exploiters figure out how they got the proof to begin with so they attempt to cause community uproar the same way actual falsely banned players do, with little way to tell the difference between the two.

By not giving the proof, the mods leave the people in a position where they are unsatisfied and trust the mods less.

So they either have to piss everyone off to keep the system intact or defeat the entire purpose of the system, it sucks and I’d offer a solution if I had one.

i thought macros werent allowed at all. maybe you’re thinking about AR’s rules on macroing?

eh, maybe
If everything seemed to line up fine then perhaps we’d let him off the hook, but all things conisdered exploiting chests hasn’t been prooven to have a false positive from what i know (the one where you’d get booted for collecting items while laggy was exploiting items), so it would require a bit of looking into

no it was changed, you can macro now if you are watching

free my man he did nun wrong

@CrimsonCreate is that true

always been true pretty sure, you’d need to actually prove your on it though like moving around or reacting to something

thats anti cheat not manual

Never undestimate ppl in their moms basement w/ free time…

I can respect why the mods wouldn’t give proof as it would reveal the methods behind the ban-ban no jutsu but Cyan coulda at least pretended to act empathetic bro :sob:

if im fishing and someone talks to me but i dont respond and keep fishing is that proof enough that someone is macroing

Not really, though it just adds to the suspicion if your not moving around or doing anything at all if someone is attacking or talking to you, usually you can just tell because the movements are robotic or always execute on the same time-frame

yeah, the best way to find out if someone is macroing is by attacking them in some way.
it’s pretty easy to miss chat messages, especially if you’re doing something else while fishing, like watching youtube videos on your phone
being attacked draws a lot of attention from the user, since it suddenly changes your entire screen’s colour, so most people would react pretty quickly to that
also you can just use knockback to move the player into the water, either they drown or they most likely aren’t a macroer

Ask ezia (200 seasonals gone because he got caught)