Is this ban valid (hint: no)

i swear 90% of AO mods dont have the ability of critical thinking


ur someone with critical thinking, can u take care of this?

Did you read any of the rest of the topic.


I see going after testers didn’t work, and neither did going after the balance team, so you’re trying to go after the moderation team now.

oh my gawd bro :rofl:

what? from what i saw he is chill and does his stuff pretty well

Maple, the AO moderator
(he was late by like 4 hours)
(this is a joke)

great another post of ppl defending an exploiter then realizing that theyre actually exploiting 5 hours later


we just want an evidence :fr:

hyperion’s doing pretty well, though. it just recently knocked Krampus off the market. anticheat development isn’t always a checkmate game.

he haves a point, no evidance, no reason to believe that its a valid ban

bro wasn’t exploiting ive been banned for the same shi and i wasnt even exploiting, just farming chests

This should be relatively easy to test…
Get a low end pc, load up a file with lots of items and record. Use a vpn tpo for higher ping, go open chests. Rinse and repeat a dozen times.

me shitty laptop:

and mash E while doing it

its basically impossible to not miss atleast a few fish no matter how good at fishing you are, talk to literally anyone with master angler and they can confirm so yea
def a exploiter
like seriously the only way to not miss a single fish is if you only catch commons uncommons and rares (my alt’s newest file has 102 fish caught and no misses, only because out of all those 102 fish only 7 were rares and the time frame for rares is kinda forgiving)
the moment you get a exotic or legendary your much more likely to miss it and theres no way you can go 30k fish without atleast a few thousand of those being exotic or legendary


as if we could tell from the info provided
at least put urself in a non game mod’s shoes bruh

wait so was he actually proven to be a exploiter?

yea just for a different reason than chest exploiting

well, guess i was wrong about being skeptical