Issue Resolved, Mods Shut This Down Please

I really don’t know what to say now that I’m being called out for some reason.

Yeah sure, maybe you’re right. I personally don’t come here to think all that much.

But who are you EVER to think you know for peoples actions and their responses?
Acting as if people here act exactly to our faults when all we’re doing is just having fun and replying on the forums?
This isn’t preschool, we aren’t friends, this is a forum not a kids show.
Yeah, the copy paste thing was kinda stupid… But why am I being blamed for being an NPC when I did Copy and Paste ONCE.

At this point you act if we aren’t people who have said other things, as if we aren’t capable of making basic human conversation? Does it look like we’re all braindead disabled people?(Okay maybe we are but still)

Really goes to show that view on this world, I don’t get it I really don’t when people are trying to create jokes and follow them. This isn’t a “Everyone needs to be nice and make educational stuff or else you’re a brain dead idiot!” People are allowed to make jokes and not be serious all the time.

You are seeing only 1 side of the coin which is really strange for someone who is supposedly insanely smart.
And once again, at some points you aren’t wrong with how some people troll without thought. But being all “EvErYoNe iS dIcKs wHo DoN’T kNoW hOw tO aCt” is stupid.

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Just saw Elly’s reply saying that, god I wish I saw it sooner.

Looks like the main issue between these two is that neither of them understand the concept of resolving an issue with respect; they know how to hurl insults and the like, which is what they do. Correct me if I’m missing the point, but that’s what I’m thinking rn.

average twitter/tumblr thread in a nutshell

hey guys aren’t online arguments literally just turn based combat?

speaking of which…

Waiting for the other side still

hiii pookie

the internet’s a harsh place, and trust me, there are so much more vicious message boards out there who probably would do so much worse.

Not that I’m trying to justify my actions any further because I still honestly think what I did wasn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things, forums has turned all kinds of mental breakdowns into copypastas in the past (refer to the “HERE IM THE FUCK” and “this server has brung me down as a person”)

maybe what I did wasn’t the nicest, but at the same time, I saw it as a golden opportunity

again, this whole thing would’ve never happened if you know who handled their decisions a bit better and, didn’t write an insane paragraph over basically nothing.

my personal favorites

Did you guys have a drama without me :cry:



That’s what I’ve been saying! Just set people you don’t like to ignore!

That’s fair, and again, there’s a reason I’m not saying “Typ0 attacked poor defenseless Elly”, because yes, Elly did do something wrong. My critique is on the needless copypasta which only made the situation worse, and on the other blatantly idiotic things Typ0 did; like the topic-spanning copypasta in Sacrifice a Forumer, or the whole Banana pregnancy post.

Were Elly not already leaving, I’d advise her to take a break for a while. Death wishes aren’t okay here.

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This is cinema ngl

If you ask me, I’d say the copypasta wasn’t needless, it did teach Elly a lesson. If people kept posting the copypasta in other topics elly participated in then I could see that being considered harassment, but they only did it in that 1 topic and that’s it.

Westloonlakes irrelevant opinion here

Dubious typo - you didn’t even really do anything but add fuel to the fire which even still makes you a little guilty. There were better ways to resolve the situation but idk. Try better conflict resolution in the future :woman_shrugging:. For the banana thing, that was a little weird and it creeped me out but I would be lying if I said it wasn’t funny :sob::sob:

Elly- you too are at fault, it’s entirely strange to threaten death on the internet even if it’s really common, and you should be ready to be made a copy pasta if you say something edgy like that seriously even if it’s a little mean. I get you weren’t in a good headspace but in the future just take a step back to think or something

Last but not least…
Spicy tuna
I think you should definitely tone it back some with… some of your… “art”. You can be really funny sometimes but you also gotta remember that there is a line

This is why i try to not get into drama anymore holy shit

Alright, I guess next time I’ll just tell someone to stop then.

Suppose we can’t get too rowdy when things like that happen

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I’m no saint either tbh, but yeah I think we all need to work on our problems with needless arguments/aggression sometimes
(Not saying you were the aggressor here)

can we stop arguing on how to make people better and start arguing on how to make people worse?
everyone knows how to get better but few people realize their potential to do evil.