Issue Resolved, Mods Shut This Down Please

Get it together? Like the little big planet skateboard song?

forums seems perfectly fine to me idk

Omg rb1! Hi :hugs: (Ps what happened to the wiki)

This is both the most hateful and loving thread I’ve seen.

Honestly the part I dislike the most about the forums are the heated arguments, in a place so silly like this one it’s hard to see people fight each other so personally. I think a part of it is that it’s difficult to be open here when it comes to feedback. Almost all discussions are a battle to see who’s right, but it’s hard to understand others when you’re shielding yourself from getting attacked.
I don’t know about others but I appreciate communication with this kind stuff. If there’s something you feel different about or want me to know, I’m always open to messages. I’d rather have an awkward resolution than a silent grudge.

And guys, the block button exists :face_holding_back_tears: you don’t have to interact with people if you truly don’t want to


ok in my defense I posted the copypasta thing like once and the Moyai thing was sort of just a demonstration of the longest chain probably on this forum

as for the pregnant banana thing I have no regrets that was hilarious lmfao :sob:

yea okay pal go suck on a copypasta chain

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people are acting like I fucking killed someone Jesus bro it’s just a copypasta and a shitpost thread :sob:

and @elly if you weren’t such a dickhead in the first place to @lucky_303 then I would have zero reason to even ridicule you in the first place, let’s get the story right here and make it very clear: I did not mock elly for no reason, in fact, I’d even consider them the ORIGINAL bully, I was simply retaliating.

As for the banana thing that was peak idk what to tell you man

don’t know what you did i’m here for the flame

okay since it seems I made the forumer hive mind angry over mostly the copypasta I’ll focus on that.

-Lucky_303 chose to sacrifice elly on the thread about “donating forumers to a volcano for faster updates”

-elly made a CRAZY response to the mention of them and they went on this insane tirade about how they wanted lucky to die and get impaled by punjis and shit

-I decided “man this person’s kind of weird I think I’ll make fun of them” and I decided to copy the giant schizo rant they made and I started a copypasta chain

-the chaos that ensued was simply out of my control.


Typo is fighting his inner Sandal…

Y’all I am not the bad guy here this is just slanderous bro :fr:

(ignoring the banana thing that was 100% on my part and I still find it funny)

btw that elly twat is harassing me rn they just posted this recently like a few hours ago on the confessions thing:

the rant against lucky was after he kept bothering me for weeks and months after I thought he had moved on the fucker brought it up again, so I fucking exploded on him from my pent up anger from when he did it months ago that I simply chose to hold inside.

I don’t fucking care

you act like a schizo I’m going to laugh at you

welcome to the internet, asshole.

Ladies ladies calm down…


was I too aggressive in it? Yes I was. Was my mental state thrown into a breakdown so easily from both that and the copypasta? Yes, are you surprised?

laughs at person known to have a fragile mental state:
is surprised when they lass out:

wat abt me

also if lucky was actually bothering you for as long as you claimed him to be, uhm… why didn’t you just report him? is collecting screenshots and evidence too hard???

you chose the DUMBEST, CRAZIEST possible way to handle this situation, I should not be held responsible for simply mocking your terrible decisions.

I have sent you, 2 @‘d you, in 2 messages outside of this exchange. 2.