It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

I’ll better not to participiate in this drama.

Bros broke asl :joy: plus he dont got rebuttle cant win an argument or make any real money :joy::joy::joy::joy:

All im saying is have some money on standy by to go band for band if u gon tell people to get a job get ur lame ahh on lil boi


He got called out for being disrepectful but im the one baiting make it make sense :joy:


Bros on hush mode :joy:

All ur lil broke friends with their “bait” memes can go on hush mode too :joy:

i wont lie bro u kinda derailing topic take it to messages

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U a nerd shut up :rofl

I got a video idea we should 1v1 while on vc and wager 100k gals

Imma make yt channel sometime when ao actually got content ill pop off ez

i mean like you’re not wrong

iS THAT IRIS!?!?!?!?!??!!?!?!?

mmm achronos actually decently good (I was in a war against him a long time ago), you sure you want to risk 100 thousand gals?

when did this topic devolve to name calling?

Because the AO community always makes pvp discussion threads into a toxic slam fest

Can’t argue with that

i feel like all builds should be able to be used. preferably working with just defense but if not with some gear all builds should be viable. rn im using knight cause i can’t find a build

i mostly agree. I ran warrior pre nimbus (when people said it was mediocre) but i still managed to have fun with it and still win lots. That being said, stuff that is meta isn’t impossible to beat but it can range from being slightly harder to deal with to difficult to win against. Never impossible though, if ur shit at pvp then having a meta build can only help so much.

idk man I’ve seen people with the crazy ass 500+ damage metal mage beam spammers and they clearly aren’t pros but they absolutely destroy others regardless

i did say that metas can range from slightly hard to deal with to difficult to win against. Like ive seen bad warriors win so much because they spam the nuclear bomb aoe moves. At the same time those warriors lose from time to time