It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone win against a metal/magma glass cannon, because they deal so much damage sometimes it can cause limb loss


what is it then???


It’s almost like a really common 4 letter word amongst the community can easily answer that question!

It’s because I’m a sigma
In reality that was a typo

i think the word is ‘bait’

I actually have a pretty good example of how skill honestly is only 1 half of the puzzle when it comes to how good you are in pvp

but this is obviously bait so I don’t feel like writing an essay over essentially just nothing

a gearless player can win against a max enchanted modified geared player if they got enough skillz

Even though I know this is a joke, I’ve still got something to say.

I feel like the way this games combat works, something like that actually IS possible and I have seen it happen myself(for example, boxi2012 on youtubes video fighting against an ice conjuror as a low level plasma user).

But there’s some kind of a skill “Curve”. Eventually, you’ll only be able to put yourself at so much of a disadvantage until you physically, humanly CAN’T win anymore.
Arcane Odyssey has punishment based combat. Meaning anyone with decent reaction time and on point aim can easily succeed- since all opponents turn into static targets just waiting to be hit.

So, what that means is… someone who’s skill level is way above average would still lose to someone who’s at least average at the games PVP if you’re using the example given. This applies to any kind of build.

Builds in this game bridge the gap between skill and skill-slinging/spray and praying, if you know what I mean. Someone running fire conjuror who has been playing since Arcane Adventures and has weeks of PVP experience under their belt would have the bridge gapped between some dude who just got his hands on an Ice Iron Leg build and managed to max it out. The ice iron leg would win- or at least be on equal footing to the much more skilled fire conjuror.

So sure, even though a very good gearless player would wipe the floor with a horrible max level geared player, that doesn’t exactly mean playing the game gearless is viable/you should be expecting to consistently win fights or even have real “fights” as a gearless player. Skill matters, but I now think build matters much more. It’s only a matter of time.

u not skill enough clearly

beat a metal/magma mage and then I’ll take your word for it.

oh! make sure they’re also the glass cannon variant that can shred your hand off with a beam :hugs:

i literally do regularly bro :skull: now i’m sure it really is a skill issue
sadly i don’t have any clips to prove it, but you could probably ask the youtuber jonesloto (NOTORIOUS MAGMA USER)

honestly the first post here has the exact same energy as one of Key’s long ass PvP rants shortly before he got banned lol.


“I can regularly beat a build that can easily deal over 1000+ damage with an ultimate art”

“I just conveniently don’t have any clips to prove it”

also I said metal mage, not magma.

Aren’t you a YTer? You could contact Jonesloto and prove yourself instead of arguing with people who don’t really care about what you have to say anyway.

magma can be equal to or worse than metal to deal with

magma only has 0.9x impact

whereas metal has 1.05x

and metal synergises with melting.

so erm, fact check, metal mage is in fact significantly more deadly.

also they have like the exact same size multiplier lol


not including DOT

okay and?

have you seen a metal mage clip yet?

676 is rookie numbers for metal

your screenshot is intrinsically worthless

the math literally does not agree with you here either.

676 with 0.9x damage now imagine that but with 1.05x damage modifier