It's not the Meta, It's you (YOU SUCK)

I have, and honestly, they’re way easier to deal with than magma. Not only does Magma have huge area denial abilities and great synergies + a DOT, magma is faster than metal. Dealing with an attack speed glass cannon magma user is much worse than an attack size glass cannon metal user, although they’re about the same when they’re both an attack size build.

What you’re banking on is the impact damage removing your limbs, right? That’s not really going to happen when the average PVPer is running at least 1,500 HP. Until mages can start dealing half of your health consistently with one attack, limb loss will not be a bigger concern than DOT.

The DOT of Magma combined with it’s already stellar impact damage, synergies and speed makes it better than metal in my opinion- but like I said, metal(earth, too) and magma can be equal in certain situations.

unrelated, but at about 6 minutes in there’s a metal vs magma mage clip. This doesn’t really add to anything but it’s still pretty funny.

you wrote an entire essay filled with literal yap :sob:

metal mages tend to run magma as a secondary for this exact same reason and leech off of melting with the extra 10% damage boost

yea and metal is worse because it blocks vision way better than magma can and it essentially wins every clash (something magma cannot do) so your own attacks usually can’t connect to the target

lmao no? I’m just saying metal mage doesn’t need to try a lot to make that happen

im so glad you all agree and are all friends now :angel: :speaking_head:

this is as close as ur gonna get, since he didn’t want to admit it

Should i go make a metal mage and test the damage (will take me like 3 days)

what is not connecting here

0.9x is inherently worse than 1.05x

DoT is a thing I guess but metal has DoT with bleed and magma’s gets cleared by common cold magics

metal has synergies with magma and other things (acid is extremely infamous) which isn’t as intense on magma’s end

also both of them are slow as hell so idk what you mean by speed


an answer that does not conclude to anything and doesn’t prove your side at all.

I feel very defeated, gg.

actually small error on my end: acid is extremely good with both magma and metal

metal is still way worse tho since it has inherently better impact but whatever oopsies

I can actually tell this is a skill issue now, because anyone with over 10 minutes of fighting high power high size mages knows they have a literal metric fuckton of endlag and parrying attacks is incredibly easy. It’s very simple actually, parry the fucking ult art blast (instead of reeling with shock), and then spam attacks on them. Simple.

attack speed:
poor optimization:
particle spam:

“yap”…?? I’m trying to have a respectful debate. I guess anyone who disagrees with you is a yapper.

Second magics are always worse than first magics in all categories. How many times have you seen a metal mage land their 2nd magic synergy combo? Almost never. They typically run attack size so they can avoid thinking. There are situations where that happens, though.

Both magma AND metal need to try a lot to make limb loss happen. It takes out a huge chunk of your kit to be able to deal 800 damage or more(limb loss territory) with an synergized 20% ultimate art on both magics. Metal might be able to cut back on a little more power gear, but in the end, you aren’t going to be able to use a build like that in a real battle either way. If we’re talking viable builds, magma is better for same reasons I just said- DoT and speed.

cope cope cope
you aren’t running ao on a freezer I assume? ONE blast is NOT going to lag you.

Quite obviously, if they’re running High Size and HIGH power, they aren’t going to have enough speed to make a difference in their endlag.

Not everyone has YouTuber privilege and can pvp in Elysium all day where the servers are literally designed to be at their peak for pvp

shocking, I know.

it’s almost like trying to parry things in the actual maingame is hell because mages have this really cool tool up their sleeve called dropping framerate :exploding_head:

you have absolutely no idea.

no, a lot actually.

magma beam → metal beam is basically the bread and butter of metal mage cannons.

elysiums are actually quite laggy at 10+ players, and finding an elysium to join and pvp in isn’t even that hard, ever heard of AOSL? that’s a server that literally lets people ping you if they have an elysium open. And don’t forget, there’s always been FUCKING munera my guy, so many excuses and so little action. You are the PRECISE type of person I was complaining about in my post, the person who doesn’t care about actually getting better, and just complains that everyone is using metahh metahh metahh.
Be bitter, or be better.


You truly are THAT disconnected from reality it’s insane :sob:

At least Othyrs is a thing but I’ve never fought a metal mage on Othyrs so that’s completely irrelevant

you make AO youtube content for (I presume) money I am already by default better than you

I actually have a life and I don’t give enough of a shit to improve at this meaningless lego game where you can just get a build that lets you point and click in a general direction to kill people with almost no thought.

Where do you think people fought before elysium existed…? How is it possible to be this blockheaded? Is your skull made of steel and kevlar?

Meaningless Ad Hominem, but I don’t expect you to know what that means to be quite honest.

You are clearly consuming record high levels of copium my guy

Othyrs, where most serious fights take place?

Munera is great for casual combat but it is extremely laggy because of everything happening around it, mages tend to make fights on munera even worse

boo hoo hoo I’m making fun of you whatchu gonna do about it besides bring up le fallacies

gank won


this guy cant even form a coherent argument and has resorted to using “gank won”, when bro is clearly getting cooked like i’m kendrick and he is drake, incredibly amusing

surely this buffoon doesn’t actually believe people have always fought at othyrs instead of munera? what a load of codswallop
