Julia_g's Rant About Movie Theatres

uhhhh I’ve been to a movie theater once and it was funny, I was watching endgame and when at the start when Thor sliced thanos head some dude in the back went “That’s it?!” Made me chuckle.

and one extra thing:
Bringing food from outside is actually prohibited
fucking WHY
i mean it doesn’t stop us of course
but still
they have fucking security guards for that reason ONLY

I do, I wasn’t expecting much, but neither was I expecting this level of rubbish, also why are you attacking me? What did I ever do to you fam??? :sob::sob::sob:

yeah ok you do be trolling then

40% troll 60% fury 5% brain

thats 5% too much brain

you right

i always am (jkjk)

3just pirate them :troll:

Posted 44 minutes ago

argument started, didn’t it?


90%? most I’ve seen were from @jubileesucks
and i don’t really have a problem with them, not like there’s anything else to do

No, stop don’t try to argue with me, my braincells have been exhausted already.

He’s vulnerable! We should attack while he’s weak!

No, don’t I’m hjdsssssfhsakdfjwoiaehf

true lmao, most of the rants within this community were from me


Honestly, it depends on what kind of movie you go to, I’m sure there’ll always be people who are disappointed in the film. I’m one of those people, I like to analyze film as an art form.
Yeah, the groups of people who don’t stop talking are annoying, but good thing you can always watch movies at home. I still like going to the movie theaters just cause it’s fun.

let people enjoy things challenge
