Julia_g's Rant About Movie Theatres

no wonder you looked like a moron throughout this entire thread LMAO

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uncalled for + thats y u aint got a face

are you just taking shit out of your ass, smearing it over the keyboard, and pressing reply?? i genuinely have no idea what that was supposed to mean

That’s why yo shoes raggedy.


get owned nerd


Reading this thread is truly the greatest movie of all. PG-13, coming to a forum near you!


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ooga ooga

That’s why yo mama dead. Dead as hell. b2d


admit it, you also cheered when Steve Rogers lifted Mjolnir, and you also gasped when his shield started breaking.

and you also started crying when Tony died.

I mean, you definitely do have a point about all of this, nowadays viewing movies at home is a much more respectable and confined experience.

Then again, there is something about the experience of watching a movie specifically at a movie theater that makes it all the more grand, as everyone adds onto it, both the noisy people and those who are trying to watch the movie in peace. There’s something about it that can be either enjoyable or abysmal for some, and I personally find joy in it.

Overall though, I prefer Netflix.

We didn’t evolve, nothing ever evolved. I honestly don’t understand how anyone could believe that stuff, I mean think about it: if evolution were real, then why isn’t everything the same creature? Why don’t we have horns? Why can’t we fly? Why can’t we breathe underwater? Why do we need oxygen? Why don’t we have tails, or claws? And how came I look like the same exact creature as my parents? Wouldn’t I be more “evolved” then both of them? Evolution is nothing but a lie. Evolution only exists in fiction, and even then only the fiction where it exists. (Perhaps you are talking about evolution in a joking manner but I just can’t stand the idiocy of it all.) (Not your post but that anyone actually believes that stuff.)

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You’ve gotta be joking there’s no actual way you think that evolution is fiction please tell me you’re joking, you are joking, right? RIGHT?

I’m dead serious.

What age do you happen to be.

turning 18 in July

What leads you to believe that evolution is not a fact, but rather fitcion? I’m intrigued.

There is far more proof that evolution is fake then that it is real, there is no proof that evolution is real, it is fake.