July 2023: User of the Month Voting


Given @Cryonical is unavailable for this months voting, I stole his topic template and will do the honors in his place. It all works the same way, and we will have your favorite icy host back by the next time (I think).

Since July is nearly over, it’s time to look back and investigate which user has contributed the most to this community, and deserves the prized User of the Month Badge! Whether it be amazing art, wonderful writing, creative content, or many, many more things, there’s a lot of ways that a user can become User of the Month!

As soon as possible after the voting time ends (Read: A few hours after it ends), votes sent within the voting time will be read, checked for validity, and then tallied. Then, the recipient of the User of the Month badge will be announced. Good luck!

Criteria (Please Read)

There are a few requirements that your entry must comply with. Failure to do so will result in your entry being considered invalid.

  • You may not already have an entry for this same poll, and your entry may not vote for multiple or no users.

  • You and the user you are voting for must both have the Member (Trust Level 2) or Regular (Trust Level 3) trust level in order to vote. You are messaged when you gain a trust level, and you can view your current trust level on your profile. You can view the trust level of the user you are voting for through their profile as well.

  • You may not enter a vote for yourself, an admin, a currently suspended user, or a user that already has the User of the Month badge.

  • Your vote should be honest. User of the Month should be distributed based on who contributed the most to the community this month.

  • You must correctly follow the below steps and formatting for voting.

How to Vote

  1. Click on my profile picture to the left. This should bring up a summary box with some of my information. Then, click the blue “Message” button on the top right of it. This should start a “RE” message.

  2. In the body text, mention (@) the user you are voting for. (Example: @Cryonical). Make sure that you have not misspelled their username. The mention may appear invalid in your draft preview.

  3. (Optional). Below, you may also add a reason why you are voting for them. There is no length requirement or limit to this, but I will probably read it (I’m not Cryo, but I guess I’ll do this).

  4. Click the blue “Message” button on the bottom left corner of your screen in order to submit your vote.

At any time, you may delete your entry, or edit your entry in order to vote for someone else; Votes are tallied only when the voting closes.

All Forum Rules apply during voting. Do not bribe, spam, game stats, or widely advertise in an attempt to secure yourself the User of the Month badge. Thank you for cooperating!

the answer, of course, is noone

Oh boy I wonder who will win this time

I’ve already got a person who’ve contributed largely to the Timeline project, I’ll vote for them I guess.

This topic was automatically closed 6 hours after the last reply. New replies are no longer allowed.

There is a tie between @Randomness and @Ramdoys. Sort of following Cryos way of doing it, there is an anonymous tie breaker poll. It will be active for ~48 hours. Anyone in the appropriate groups (TL2+) may vote regardless of their vote or lack thereof in the first round.

Thread is reopen for discussion, or whatever else related.

User of the Month July 2023 tie braker

0 voters


I have no idea who ramdoys even is so I’m picking randomness.

randomness or else

Vote Ramdoys for UOTM :japanese_goblin:!!!

Ramdoys last posted on the forums in February :skull:

Plus randomness makes good stories for his worldbuilding thread.

fun fact: user of the month refers to users of the forum

so who the hell is this ram person


Who even is that other guy?

its gotta be me.

How did the bro who last spoke in February tie with Random :skull:

ao forum party carried and got randoys up to tie which I got no idea why that isn’t allowed
but randomness gotta win (He contributed more here)

Because of this I defo hope these user of the month votings has restrictions those being inactivity and not carried by outside communities for the forums such as what is occurring right now from what I see right now (As in being carried without even doing anything notable nor contributing to the forums)

Randomness for the win…
Hes even making the forum timeline, slow rn but it’s going well :pray:


Y’all should vote randomness because the AOFP is muting people for almost 10 days for simply having an opinion. (people who didn’t pick ramdoys like me)

show them we will not tolerate this oppression!!!

lets change that

Congrats. No idea who you are but congrats on your frist post this season

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