Just saw this and i just thought i should put it here

Just saw this and i just thought i should put it here https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/8/d/8d8e708be1c569e3679349c543e5f98fbcd3dbef.png
effort 3.333333333333333 3 quality 1.5 2 reasonability 1.5 2

then why didn’t he use “influence and political power” to kill us out right we they captured us?
why if he was there not for his powers but for the influence and political power didn’t the order give him level 600 bodyguards?
why didn’t no one come to help the high order known for his influence and political power and not for his magic power? you would think a group called the order would be smarter

  • He already had his entire military force + General Julian guarding his castle
  • He was probably confident that you wouldn’t be able to beat him in a fight, so he didn’t really care
  • The other order high ranks are definitely doing other things on their own, such as trying to accomplish their main goal. Calvus was basically doing a side quest by trying to get the Death Curse, it was just for personal gain and power
  • King Calvus was very young for a king, and although he did have Aether magic, he still was pretty inexperienced compared to most trained soldiers and wizards (But he is obviously way more powerful then the player right now)
  • The order obviously wasn’t expecting a raid from a curse user, the magic messiah, lost heir, Edward Kenton, and flare magic user

We are somehow connected to the old gods.

it’s also sorta insinuated that Calvus as the third ruler of Ravenna is weaker than than the previous two.
It’s also a pretty common motif in games and story’s generally that the first major boss and leader of the big bad group is pathetic in comparison to the rest and even looked down on by the rest of them (think Lord Balseph from Tales of Arise)

After all Calvus only joined the order to grow his own power because of his insecurities.


Calvus was clearly arrogant, and he states himself he only has a remnant of his ancestors’ power - if we fought Caesar or Nero at their peak we’d probably get our ass beat harder than when Julian crashed us


i have replied 7 times now and i think about time i end this

to sum up i just wish the was less of a power gap between the lords and order was more proactive
as i know story’s the protagonist is only as good as the antagonist

on the point of Calvus being arrogant… fair your 100% right on that point i just wish they could have given the king/first big bad more characterization seeing how the protag(us) wouldn’t be getting as much

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you didn’t pay attention to the dialog

Calvus states after you defeat him that he just wanted to be strong and revered like his grandfather and father were, and that the Order took him in at a young age and taught him how to fight. He’s not a curse holder, he’s a Savant that knows Aether Magic, and his downfall was that he tried mastering too many different powers at the same time, to the point that he was average in all of them. His strength was carried by his Aether Magic, not his actual combat skill

Its also stated by Warren that actual curse holders such as Wotan’s children could easily kill all of you, even Morden


curse users are scary

so not only gameplay wise, but lore wise, savants are mid.

good to know.


They aren’t, like I said Calvus’s downfall was that instead of training existing powers he would opt to learn new ones instead because he wanted to be great at everything. An actual Savant would have learned a few powers and then mastered those. In terms of gameplay obviously balancing changes will be made over time


so he tried being good at literally everything I see now

The only thing he’s good at is lagging my game like crazy and giving me carpal tunnel syndrome :smiley:


Oh frick, Vetex just entered the convo.

So is like, strength not the only thing that determines how much power they have in the order? It would be hilarious if the final boss is just an overpowered order initiate…


Probably has a lot to do with influence and political power as well. Ravenna was the largest kingdom in the bronze sea with multiple islands sworn to it, and Calvus claimed that he was the person keeping the balance between two kingdoms in the nimbus sea from starting a war


this topic is getting more traction than i anticipated

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calvus is not a pushover, and anyone who fought him can tell you that.

maybe compared to other members, but considering how hellish the fight is for 98% of players calvus isn’t a pushover


the george washington special:
aside from that its nice to have even more context on calvus, i find it really interesting how he was just World’s Biggest Overachiever

I would have thought there was a time gap the iris and steps tones part of the story since there is a level gap


Idk if this is still the case but tech said levels didn’t matter in AA lorewise. Which means that your level increasing roughly translates to how experienced you are and not “I do 5x the dmg I did at level 10.” Calvus was likely the weakest baron so it makes sense we defeated him.

This shouldn’t be in the suggestions category because it isn’t a real suggestion. You can’t expect vetex to rewrite the whole story to the game just because you think it doesn’t make sense.

I hope it’s still the case.

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