Learning how to Model stuff (and other stuff)

I think for now i’ll work on animations and getting used to textures

nice (took me like 30 mins)

Stuff i’ll do next week
Make random anims with a basic rig
Make a basic model
Retexture more stuff
Add vfx to my anims

my request has been answered

indeed :skull:

now you shall be in my basement until you finish it

Wait what… We did NOT agree to this

i did

get in

i have no choice :frowning_face:

Gonna start designing a rig for one of my oc’s(forgot his name) im prolly gonna animate sometime this week, gotta figure out how to put shirts on them tho
I dont even remember his name all i know is that he uses the ice curse and is a retired former Winterveil General

Well that was easy (dont mind him praying to the gods)

Next step is faces

Can someone tell me how to get faces from f9 logs

(In the meantime guess ill start retexturing stuff)

Gonna finish up oc tommorow


I needa get some ao faces to use in my models and i dont know where to get the faces from

Almost done with him i’ll show the finished version tmrw. If i do finish him tommorow i’ll probably try make a basic animation either tommorow or the day after

All that’s left for now is boots, face, pauldrons and probably a cape/cloak i’ll retexture