Lets brainstorm lost spell ideas (NOT SUGGESTION)

Magic IMpact Fist

Magic Impact Fist is a lost spell that involves charging up a devastating attack by repeatedly punching that can be stored to be used later. A meter on the right of the player’s screen shows how much more energy they can store when selecting the Magic Impact Fist

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Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a shape option love the idea that it could pierce enemies too

Overflow: The user roars loudly, releasing all their magic energy in quick bursts that covers a large radius and damages anyone within the vicinity.

Magical Nanomachines

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Self-destruct last resort where you put all your magic energy inside of yourself and release it creating a very powerful explosion from the user’s body also it kills you (The higher hp you have the stronger the blast)


The thing I love most is kamikaze’ing in games @vetex add this plsss

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Its in the title (NOT SUGGESTION)

I know it isn’t I’m just asking vetex to add this brainstorm idea

Sequel Blast:A blast that consists of redirecting your attacks,This is done by pressing the attack key again, which makes the projectile turn towards where you are aiming(It will not pursue the target but only turn towards it)


  • You can only redirect it once

  • Only 3 projectiles can be cast in a single spell.

  • When you redirect the attack you consume the 25% amount of magic you used to cast it.

  • The cooldowm is longer than usual.


  • Perfect for runners as you can redirect the attack towards them.

  • It has the same configuration features as the base blast attack, so you can change the shape to your liking (Frezzer disc).

  • Does 15% more damage than a normal blast

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I smell a dbz reference


its literally destructo disk

I meant mode burst

sounds like kaioken without the multipliers :eyes:

it was based off Kaioken yes

Rising Strike - Leaps into the air. Charges a Aura around them for 3-4~ seconds, then launch themselves towards the enemy in a direction. This freezes both you and the enemy for around 3 seconds if the enemy was within the path you struck in (The anime swordsman thing), before a large shockwave/explosion of your magic is released as a trail behind you, damaging the target greatly and dealing moderate AOE damage. Missing this will have a endlag of about 2-3 seconds

The struck enemy may not receive additional damage when frozen. (Not the status effect)

Warlock based, aka Fighting style and Magic


  • Large AOE
  • Bossraid potential, as it gives iframes if landed.
  • Goated damage
  • Large range


  • Attack is cancelled if struck at any point while Charging the aura
  • Large magic cost
  • if you miss u bouta get hit by the triple blast bushogoma combo

Heavensent Strength - Designates an largearea of your selection at your cursor. (EMPHASIS ON LARGE)
All M1 attacks performed within this region will have your weapon glow white, your speed and jump height is greatly increased, and your m1 damage multiplied by 1.25x. In addition, every m1 will be aimed at the cursor, and will cause an ethereal blade to spawn near you and launch itself towards the enemy. This is a purely visual effect, and instead actually just increases your m1 hitbox in front of you by around 5x.

Your magic energy, when deployed, will constantly drain. Having your magic energy reach 0 will dissipate the field.

Note that you are straight up not able to use any other spells during this, also you break shields faster

Useable with a Warlord build, but this focuses on weaponry much more


  • High m1 damage
  • High m1 reach
  • Very good combat mobility with the increased speed and jump height


  • Constant magic energy drain
  • They can just run away out the circle (That is, if you let them)
i dont have any lost spell ideas because i have skill issue but i have a lost magic idea

if i were to add a lost magic, id add some kind of flower or plant magic. games lacking stuff like that
no, not life magic. like yeet trees and plants at bozos
wood doesnt count

good/evil buffs. Depending on your reputation, (good or bad) you will get a certain buff with it.
For example, good increases magic speed, and evil increases power or something like that. The buffs get stronger either way you go and will, encourage picking a side (good or bad.) Neutral rep gives no buffs and unfriendly/friendly don’t either.

you need lost magic for this to work and will only work on lost magics. (it would be too op to have it early game and too op to have super boosted ancient magic)

Mf this already exists

Nah I don’t mean being recognized by NPCs I mean like real buffs to stats