Let's discuss toggling PvP

For an actual reason why this may not be a good idea, consider if you had PvP off, and someone jumped onto your boat and took a sealed chest while you were at a port.

You wouldnt be able to kill them to get the sealed chest, and since sealed chests have to be able to be picked up at all times, youd just lose atleast one, if not more, sealed chests because you decided you didn’t want to PvP.

Furthermore, adding a switch for PvP would lead to a whole host of abusable problems, like being able to jump someone at anytime, and being unable to hit yourself when you switch it back off if they retaliate.


I think that one is simple, only work if both have pvp on
else you kinda fucked up in design part

I meant as in switching pvp on to hit someone else with pvp on, and switching it back off so they cant hit you back, and repeating this until they turn it off

i really enjoy the element of danger that open pvp provides, having to watch out for other players and use your judgement to decide on how you should interact with them makes the whole experience feel much more immersive, as it creates a feeling of risk and even “realism”, in the sense of how people interact being more natural.

while i’m not going to assume you’re bad at combat, i really recommend trying to find a group of people to play with, and possibly practicing PVP more (this is good for anyone as long as you don’t make it an obssession). it can be fun to get ganked, especially since, unlike in games like deepwoken, you don’t lose all of your progress from it. these detours that happen from player or world interactions make the experience more varied, and help provide a sense of uniqueness to each playthrough of the game.

i thought only party members could mess with your sealed chests

why would you be able to switch it during combat


I think adding a pvp switch would be too drastic, instead good rep players should be helped by the guard npcs when attacked inside cities, just like it was back in wom (but without whole armies appearing out of thin air)


try a minmax agility build if you wanna be really annoying

genuinely unless you’re getting ganked by several people the best option is just to fight back. PvP is inherent to this game in its bounty hunting, cargo, and sealed chest systems.

A much preferable solution would be pvp shield for players in certain story segments which it can be expected for players to be at pvp level, like the boss fights from Elius onwards

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this is true, if you’ve grabbed a sealed chest it can only be picked up by you unless your ship is sunk

Yeah, it sells the fantasy of “The War Seas”

not really immersive getting murdered by a renowned villain while a guard stands next to you with their arms crossed

it will
i tried to make this argument back in wom

That’s an artifact of the fact that almost no town/city has active guard npcs

Ravenna’s cities are the only ones and they would absolutely not help the player (and it’s implied via their rudeness while talking to the prince travelers in general)

even with guards that react, open pvp would be a thing. removing it altogether would just make the experience feel artificial tbh.

The absolute CLOWNERY in this entire post is unimaginable. A PVP OFF switch? Is this a roleplaying game? Why do you think 90% of the player base grinds bosses? Just because? No, it’s because they want to use those boss drops to get stronger and fight well.

Maybe you want a PVP off switch because honestly the game is pretty much a PVE game. Ok, that just ruined bounty hunting, and also a ton of other “challenges” you’re supposed to face. A PVP OFF switch is just a horrible idea, and it’s one I definitely know won’t be added.


they would still help to avoid collateral damage to the city

what im tring to say is that there should be at least SOME areas where players can be safe from pvp

You are a :clown_face: .

Bounty hunting exists. PVP will become absolutely meaningless if there’s a PVP button and you don’t have to do it anymore.

And also: wtf do you mean high levels killing low levels? The chances are, you won’t even run into another player till Cirrus or maybe Ravenna. If a high level goes out of their way just to ruin your game, post them on the forums so we can call them a clown.

I have made about 4 different files now. Almost all of them, I either didn’t meet/speak to anyone till late game where I can fight back, or I ended up TRYING to PVP at max level. Almost all Max Levels are going to be grinding bosses, bounty hunting, or trying to PVP themselves.

And also: If you get a bounty, you better be expecting someone to come and gank you. Don’t want to be auto forced into PVP? Don’t have a bounty.

There already are, below level 50 you can’t PVP.

E, this post, I can understand why, especially players who want to keep to themselves, and play for story and the other elements aside from combat. So my best advice is putting a lot of stats either into health or speed, to either run or tank hits to dish out hits, i don’t think there’s a need for a pvp off switch, it wouldn’t fit the game, so for now it’s more of server hopping, blocking or get into a guild, that will protect you. Hope that helps aside from just having skill issue lol.

This is just such a huge insult. You joined 7 hours ago, I don’t expect you to know this forums history and all the things that went down here.

I am insulted because I play the game on less than 20 FPS, trying to get a 1v1. When I do, I get my ass kicked, but I find it fun to try and find a way to win, even if it seems impossible. It’s already so annoying trying to find a max level or a player with a bounty that wants to fight. My pride has been shattered, repaired, and shattered again trying to get good at PVP. When WoM existed, I lost to a LEVEL 45 PLAYER, not because I suck at PVP, but because I literally couldn’t fight back.

You don’t want to fight? Stay below level 50, or again, simply leave the damn game. It is so unbelievably rare to find a player that actually goes out of their way to kill a low level, unless you have a BOUNTY.