Let's discuss toggling PvP

blocking doesn’t work as game runs on own script when it comes to joining game

They definitely are. Rp games suck and RPG games are epic.

I know this very well. I wanted to grind on Chromebook but no mobile release aaah

it’s crazy how 1 letter can completely change the experience

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People when they realize that the pvp unlock level raises with the level cap :exploding_head:

nah it’ll probably be pvp rungs rather than it unlocking 80 hours into the game

better idea:
PVP toggle switch but it toggles taking and dealing damage completely (so you dont have to do combat. at all.)

A cargo runner’s dream

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What incentive does a 125 player get from farming level 60s? That’s just a troll and you can just server hop


If you have enough renown for a player to target you at lvl 60 what are you doing and even if they’re just farming the little renown they get just server hop


Bounty hunting, thats all that needs to be said.

Making guards attack you at Ravenna? Makes no sense because they should attack both people considering you are both wanted criminals. Also, bounty hunting.

Just no.

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just make a clan with people who dont want to pvp, get at least 18 members who all play at the same time, then fill up the whole server every time you guys come on to play

problem solved

This not only unlocks a hell ton of problems and bugs but also ruins the entirety of the bounty system. The bounty system revolves entirely around PVP and/or PVE if you have a manual PVP switch in game you can abuse it to get close to bounties without being attacked. If you have negative fame and are a pretty passive player, some more of those trolls that you described can abuse the PVP button and ruin the fun of some players just because this button exists. If you don’t wanna PVP in this game, just simply play another game or server hop until you find a passive server. Your argument of “trolls killing you” is gone HOWEVER, trolls have different ways of committing a mild act of tomfoolery from lagging the server or ramming your ships and making them stuck so that only effects one aspect of what they can do.

Now before you get salty and start giving some pretty dumb reasons to why this game will get better with the cowardice button, really think.
What happens to the island claim system?
What happens to bounties?
What happens to half of the mechanics that involve PVE and PVP in game?

90% sure the guy who made this topic quit forums

tbh you could just make it so pvp’s always enabled for those

…or just not add a PVP toggle thus turning the game into an RP game instead of an RPG game.

this is an RP game

this is an RPG game

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you can have rpgs without pvp, it’d just be more story centric

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Yes, but RPGs still have action while RP games are “punches” “dodges

VICTORY. insert yay noise here